The Thirst (W.M) Smut

Start from the beginning


Back in the compound, Steve calls a meeting. "Y/n was telling us the truth. All the evidence shows that they don't have anything to do with what happened. So she was right, it was all Hydra's doing. So we have to leave her and her clan alone." Steve told the team in the meeting. "I still think that she is hiding something. We need to search more about her." Wanda insists. "Negative Maximoff. We will focus on Hydra." The captain refuses her idea. Little does he know, she decides to take the matter into her own hands.

She has this strong urge to come back to your office, she follows her instinct or perhaps her desire to see you again. The desire that she never knew that she has towards you since the first time she came near you. Your strong scent and your charm trap her helplessly like a little prey on your web. Later that night Wanda decides to sneak into your company. She managed to get into your spacious dark office room all by herself. The air around her feels weirdly cold. The desire has taken effect on her so strongly that she needs to come back to see you.

She walks to your desk with one desk lamp that's not too bright but enough to give her sights on her surroundings. She subconsciously wants you so badly, that she starts to touch everything in that office that she assumes that you touched them. She runs her fingers slowly over the arm of your chair, your computer's keyboard, and your pen. Then she checks on everything to find more evidence about you. She saw a few pictures of you on your human looks.

"I knew you would come back but I didn't expect this soon, Miss Maximoff." She gasps as she hears your voice from the darkness and you slowly show up from the dark, the light slowly shows more of you in your human looks but with your red eyes and your fangs visible a little bit as you walk closer to her step by step. Red wisps of Wanda's magic show up floating on her hand for her defense. "Tsk tsk tsk, you were the one who trespassed my office Miss Maximoff, shouldn't I be the one in defense mode?" You teased her with your smirk. "I told you we will watch your every move." Wanda throws a ball of red magic to you but you quickly catch it and you easily make it evaporate with your power.

She tries the same effort once again and gets the same result from you. Her heart races, she starts to panic a little as you slowly come closer. Your super hearing hears her heart beat clearly. "What's wrong? Is that a scared heartbeat I hear? Or is it a heartbeat that's full of desire?" You tease her again and get closer but she moves backward away from you. She tries to control your body with her power to stop you but it doesn't work. She tries to punch you but you move so quickly and catch her fist. She tries to kick you but again you move quickly, you do a low spin kick to her ankle and sweep Wanda off the floor and she falls on her back. She sees you jump high to the high ceiling of your office and you stay up there. "You better stop fighting, Miss Maximoff. You can't win." You told her in a mocking tone and smirk.

Wanda gets up and when she looks up, you are gone. "Come out here, you coward blood sucker!" Before she knows it, you come quickly and pinned Wanda to the wall with her back pressed against the wall. You feel her front touches yours. She gasps and she pants from the tension with you being too close in front of her. Looking at your red eyes gives shivers to her body. She is caged by you with both of your hands holding up her hands next to both sides of her head. She notices your lighthouse tattoo on the inner of your lower arm.

"Hmmm that fast heartbeat and the sounds of your blood rushing all over your body, I can hear it so clearly but I can't hear your mind at all. I wonder why." You whisper as you bury your face closer to her ear. You gently nibble her ear lobe. Wanda's breath hitch, her body flinching gently against your body.

"You don't want to read how my mind thinks about how much I hate you." Wanda retorted. "Really? I know you want me Miss. Maximoff. I know those eyes. I know how much you want me. I don't care how much fight we have, I still win. Don't fight it. Because I have wanted you too since the first time I saw you." You whispered passionately, your thirst almost gets the best of you as your legs get between hers. You pressed your thigh up against her core.

Wanda Maximoff / Elizabeth Olsen X FemReader (Oneshots and Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now