Chapter 1

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Two girls, Jennifer Check and Y/n L/n enter a run-down tavern at the edge of town called The Carousel.

"God, I can't wait until I'm old enough to get wasted. Have you ever had peach schnapps?" Jennifer asks walking towards the bar.

"Nope," Y/n chimes in while following behind her.

"Peach schnapps are excellent. They even taste good when they come out of your nose midpuke."

"Hi ladies. You look nice." Craig a classmate of the girls says while passing by.

"Thank you," Y/n says looking at her nails.

"What up, Craig," Jennifer says without enthusiasm. She elbows Y/n while making a gagging sound.

"He really thinks he's cute enough for us," Jennifer says in fake disbelief. Y/n awkwardly smiles as Jennifer pulls out a pack of Camel Wides and lights one. Y/n looks over at the foreign exchange student from India, Ahmet standing by himself.

"I feel bad for Ahmet the foreign exchange guy. He's all by himself." She says as Jennifer laughs.

"You are way too nice sometimes."

"Am not," Y/n says.

"Yes, you are. Why do you have a crush on him or something?" Jennifer teases.

"No-" Y/n is interrupted by wannabe "cop" Roman Duda snatching Jennifer's pack of cigarettes.

"You're smoking dicks now, Jen?" He asks.

"What? I like the Wides." Jennifer says as she sticks the fat cigarette between her lips and inhales.

"I just bet you do. I should arrest you for possession under the legal age." Roman says.

"Arrest me, pfft! You're not even out of the academy yet, Roman!" Jennifer shouts amused.

"Two more months and I'm on the force for real. Then I'll be able to cuff you whenever the hell I want." He says suggestively as he grips her wrist and twists it behind her back. Y/n rolls her eyes.

"Roman keep it in the bedroom." She scolds. He finally looks at Y/n.

"Oh, Y/n I didn't see you there. Would you like to-"

"No thanks," Y/n says while fake smiling.

"Look, there's the band. You can tell they're from the city," Jennifer says eyeing the lead singer.

"They look cool," Y/n observes while not really meaning what she is saying.

"I wish we had more guys like that in Devil's Kettle. All stylish and shit." Jennifer shares as Y/n stares at the ground. Jennifer grabs Y/n's hand and enthusiastically drags her toward the stage.

"I think they need two groupies. Come on! It'll be like Almost Famous! I'll be Penny Lane and you can be the other girl." Jen says. Y/n shakes her head.

"I'm not interested in them." Jennifer rolls her eyes.

"You are sounding like Needy right now. She wouldn't even bother to show up."

"Well, she has a study date with Chip tonight."

"Boring!" Jennifer yells as she marches up to the band, Soft Shoulder with Y/n reluctantly following behind. The lead singer of Soft Shoulder, Nikolai Wolf, is already walking forward to meet them at the tip of the stage.

"Hi. Um, we just really wanted to meet you or something? I'm Jennifer Check and this is my friend."

"I'm Nikolai Wolf, and this is my band." He reaches down and shakes Jennifer's outstretched hand.

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