Chapter 1

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Onyx feather glistened through the blood-filled sky. The vultures were circling around the piles of corpses that were left all over the rubles. The battle was over, but no one thought to clean the mess left formed of organic and anorganic matter. From a few cracked stones a surviving clone sneaked out. He looked carefully around and saw that the droids were not in the area. He crawled through the ruins of the house and went out in the open. The plaza he was in was dead. There were bodies everywhere, droids or clones or even civilians. It was like a nightmare for the survivor. He looked around cautiously and ran to the other side of the zone. However, he was stopped by the sound of droid footsteps. The clone looked for cover and he found some rocks and bodies lying besides him. He quickly hid under the rubble hoping not to be noticed. He couldn't see his enemies but their march was creeping into his ears. Then they stopped. One droid said loud:
'No survivors here sir!
'Roger roger! Let's check Sector 5!
The clone breathed in relief. He was safe...
Fscht! A metalic talon dug into his spine and crushed it. Then it tore away his back leaving his body full of blood and gore. The clone died instantly in pain.
'Wretched scum!
Grievous looked at his victim. He heard the breathing noise made by the dead. Knowing droids don't breath, he easily figured out a survivor was hiding there. Looking with disgust at the corpse, he growled:
'You missed one, droid!
The group of 6 battledroids looked at their General and their leader said fearfully:
'We didn't notice him...
'Just continue! I want all those republic lapdogs dead! See that no enemy soliders leave this place alive!
'Roger roger!

In the rubble of a house something made a move. The noise was low and the droids left without hearing it. However, Grievous' antennas picked it up. He left the detachement leave and turned around. Looking at the ruined building he saw a figure hiding in the shadows of the twilight. The General went slowly there, ready to kill his next victim. Picking the rock up, he tose it away and looked at the survivor. To his surprise, there was no clone there... or even an adult. Lying there was a little blonde girl, barely past 5 years. Her big eyes were filled with grief and fear. Looking at the ocean blue iris, Grievous almost saw the Jenuwaa Sea in them. The memory of the Kaleesh sea from his homeworld left a mark of sadness in the heart of the General. He observed that the child's eyes were staring at him. The girl wasn't making any move. Grievous was amazed by the powerfull stare the kid gave him. Few people looked into his eyes like that. He found himself unable to attack. He never saw any youmg survivor until now. Sure , everyone died in war and many children died by the bombardments he issued over the past 2 years, but seeing one alive... he was left with no words. Finally , he decided not to kill her. It was a cowardly-act to kill such a young being. Her high-pitched voice startled him.
'Please, help me mister ...
Grievous broke the eye contact and looked at the house behing the girl. Her home was in a better shape than the others, yet it had it's share of destruction. The girl repeated her plea again:
'Please, mister, help me... my Daddy and Mommy died under the rocks!
The cyborg said coldly:
'No. Go into your home, little one.
'But my Daddy is there!
Gridvous looked more interested and saw a hand standing besides the rubble.
'Please... I don't wanna die!
Her tiny body reminded him of a familiar figure. A long-lost one. He pushed away the feeling and exerted venomously:
'I told you to go into your house!
'Go! And don't follow me!
He turned around and departed fast the place. He heard no footsteps so he convinced himself that the child listened to him. Leaving her in the carnage behind, he was sure she won't survive the night. Reaching the detachment, his vehement voice scared the droids:
'This seems like a waste of time. We will return to the encampment.
'Yes, General!
Shortly afterwards they left for the Separatist base. The night was seting , closing the bloody day off the chart...

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