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The time James, Lily, Harry, Sirius and Remus all meet up and have dinner, tell stories and have fun... but Harry always has to sass someone.
"...And well once I was on the train and I had become friends with the amazing Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, oh and the rat, I saw a red headed girl. And she fell in love with me straight away, she practically threw herself at me every chance she got, she always told me she liked me and always asked me to hogsmead with her, ahhh and I finally decided to date her and now we're married" James said with a small smile. Lily looked offended, Remus looked amused and Sirius..Sirius was crying from trying not to laugh as he remembered James' attempts to get lily to like him.
"...your so full of shit the toilets are jealous" Harry replied which caused Remus and Sirius to loose it and lily to smile at him while James gaped at his sons sass.
"HARRY! Your not supposed to sass me! I'm your father damnit! Sass your mother..or Remus..or your godfather!"
"Hmmm people like you are the reason I go on medication.."
"Oooo do you need some cream for the burn!!l Sirius shouted
"James love step down your son is taking your crown" lily giggled.
Remus just snorted and shook his head
"Anyway I'm going to bed before you give me more of a headache night, night mum, night uncle pads, night uncle moony"
"See ya pup"
"Night cub"
"Night love"
"...fine, night son"

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