Chapter 5

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The kings POV

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!!!???" "We haven't been able to find her since she left with the prince." One of the guards said.

"You should be killed but we need as many people as possible to look for the princess."

All of the guards look at their comrades shaking.

"W-we'll find her don't w-worry..." One of the guards studderd out.

"Well than why are you still here?... GO!"

They all scurried out of the castle asking anybody and everybody if they had seen the princess.

(Y/n) POV

I had a weird feeling as soon as the prince left me it was almost as if I was being watched. I looked around but nothing. "Hello?!" I called out hopeing for an answer. I didn't really get an answer but I did see two faint lights in the distance and did the stupidest thing I could I followed the lights into a pitch black forest because I wasn't thinking.

After a few minutes I was lost. The trees towerd over me in a not welcoming manner. "Hello?" I said sort of giving up.

Suddenly something dropped on front of me making me scream a little bit. "I thought I told it was dangerous here." Of course it was him. "Well I saw lights and... Wait..." I look up at him "were you watching me while I was talking to the prince?"

He just looked at me a bit "were you aware about the knife in his jacket?" "The what were?" He crouched down to try to reach my eye level. "So you weren't aware." "N-no there has to be an explanation... He was... Ready to protect me... But then wouldn't he have a sword to threaten people with?" As I kept mumbling stupid non realistic answers Oni just watched me.

I looked up at him again "how did you know about the knife?" "I have an eye for that sort of thing." He was looking back at the castle I guess he was looking for the prince but I wasn't to sure. I looked over as well and there were guards come toward us. When I look back to Oni he was gone.

Again I'm so sorry about the short chapter but since I'm off of school for a few weeks maybe I can get a another chapter out... Maybe.

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