Chapter 2: Anticipation.

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You want to go to sleep so badly, but Xiao, your co-worker which is basically married to work urges you to do your work. "Xiao, I'm tireddd.. " You groan loudly. "No excuses, you messed up at least 3 articles, if you keep on doing this you might be scolded by Mr. Zhongli." Xiao says in a serious tone. That gives me an average payload of Mora, which isn't my type, although you wanted to have a writing career, you lazily type in a paragraph, you're struggling to keep your eyes open, until you couldn't handle it and went to sleep.

• • • At night

"Y/n? Y/n?" Zhongli gently shakes your hand. You jolt up, "Mhm, I'mmm awake.." "A few minutes please, thanks.. " You went back to sleep until Zhongli says "Tiring isn't it, alright you are excused from work." Zhongli says in a gentle tone. "Why so nice to me hm..?" Your eyes still flutter, trying to be awake..

Zhongli bends down slightly, semi-close to your face, "You have drool coming down from your mouth even." Zhongli reaches something in his pocket and wipes your lips and face. You turn red, "E-eh?!" "What's wrong, y/n? Your face turned red."

"Wait a moment please!" You look away trying to stop thinking of the position Zhongli was in. After a couple of seconds you cool down and forget about the situation you were in a few seconds ago.

You turn to the male. His amber eyes glowed while your little lamp was on, he looked majestical. You stare and admire him a couple of seconds before shaking it off, "Now, what do you need Mr. Zhongli?" You say, Zhongli stares at you until he blinks and says, "What did you say again?" "Ah.. What do you need, Mr. Zhongli..?" "Oh. Simply, you just go back home. I did say you were excused." You expression turns blank, You jerk..... "So you basically made me do your dirty work and let me go as I was about to be done??" You sigh, "Y/N, you misunderstood, as merely I was asking you to rest for right now." Zhongli relaxes his face. You think about what you just said. You felt embarrassed. "Never mind that- I'll go home.." Zhongli looks at you while you walk away, as he watches you walk he stands up and grabs your shoulder. "Wait." Zhongli says, "What now..?" you look back, "At least let me drive you home, just to apologize." He says.

"No-." you say,

"Don't you walk home? It's night already. "

"Whatever, I just need to go home."

"Then let me come with you." Zhongli says.

"Mr. Zhongli. " you turn to him and zhongli lets go of you. "You don't have to, I'm fine on my own. Do not worry. " You try to smile at your boss to assure him. Only to receive his regretful face, you felt bad.

"...Okay fine, I can walk with you.. But that's it-!" you say "I don't mind if you do this any other day..." you mutter so softly he couldn't hear. Zhongli relaxes and smiles at you softly. He grabs ahold of your hand and walks you down. A light tint of red covers your face, you cover with your other hand, the one that isn't holding his hand and softly drag you hand on your face and calm down. He takes you to the elevator, you look away, you go into your bag and cover your face with your scarf.. it was hard due to you holding zhonglis hand. His hand was beautiful and your hands were already sweating due to his hand being warm. Zhongli looked relaxed.

Zhonglis POV:

You holded their hand unexpectedly, It was nice, you also caught Y/N looking at your face, scarf around their face. You gave them a warm smile, and they jolt up and look away blushing. 'They look lovely... ' The elevator dings and Y/N let's go of your hand. You assumed that their hand was rather sweaty from yours, you stay silent, "Mx./Ms./Mr. Y/n, you look beautiful today." You hide your smile and blush as best you can. "Oh thank you!" They say, smiling. 'Should I say it?' You think if you could confess, right there. right now. It's a perfect time. Surely, they wouldn't get angry? You both walked out, "Wait." you say.

3rd POV:

Zhongli hesitates, but grabs both of Y/N's hands. "Y/N... I don't know, if you would feel the same way. But, whenever I see you, I feel something. and, I would like to confess." They look up at him, his face looks like he could regret it, but he just wants to say it.

"I love you, Y/N. The whole entirety of you."


I realized that this part wasn't finished, so... I finished it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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