"For what though?" Emma asked, "The Doctor? How would they know he's here through? Do they have Timelord sensors or something?"

"I don't know," He shrugged, "Maybe it's coming for all of us. Have you ever seen them before?"

Mickey shows them a bigger photo from UNIT of four the aliens, "Have you seen them before?"

"No," Rose shook her head before looking to Emma, "Come on, Em. The amount of time you spent in that library with the Doctor you must of read about them or he could've mentioned them."

"I don't remember reading about them," She pursed her lips, "The Doctor never mentioned then either." Emma's brows furrowed suddenly and she leaned in to turn the sound up. "Rose they aren't speaking English." She murmured trying to understand the alien language, to no avail.

"Well they are aliens," Dean scoffed, gesturing to the laptop, "It's not like they're gonna speak the same as us."

"No, it just that the TARDIS translates alien languages in mine and Rose's head so we can understand anyone wherever and whenever we go." Emma told them, Rose nodding along in concern.

"It must be the Doctor." Rose frowned, "Like he's part of the circuit and he's..."

"Like he's broken."


Emma watched Rose leave the living room with a small frown marring her face. She bit her lip as she hesitated following for a moment before she stood to rush after the blonde, patting Mickey's shoulder as she passed him.

She found Rose just outside her bedroom, leaning on the door frame looking at her mum asleep at the Doctor's bedside.

"The Doctor wouldn't do this." Rose mumbled when she felt Emma take her hand, "The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, he'd wake up. He'd save us."

Emma sighed and hugged Rose's arm to  her side. "Rosie, That is the Doctor. The proper Doctor, the kind, gentle and hopeful Timelord. The man who took us on all our fantastic adventures. The Doctor who became our friend."

She tugged Rose to look away from her mother and the Doctor. "The Doctor was hurt. His body had to change in order to survive. that means that the man lying on that bed is still our Doctor. He may look different and he may act different but he is still the Doctor. Still the man I would follow to each corner of the universe."

Rose's lips quirked up into a small smile as she lifted a hand to brush away a couple tears from Emma's cheeks. "You really love him, don't you?"

Emma gulped and looked away falling into a hug from her friend and sister.


Emma pulled out of the hug with furrowed brows at the sound of someone shouting just outside of the flat. She tugged Rose to the door and open it, surprised to see her neighbours walking around in their pyjamas.

"Sandra?" Rose exclaimed as the lady from the flat beside them passed their door with a frantic expression.

"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing. Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop."

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