Chapter 1: Workaholic.

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You type anxiously as your boss is near you, trying to not make a typo on your article in Teyvat News. People have constantly reported several incorrect informations and typos within news articles, so you type efficiently and quickly. The black-haired with ombre-faded long hair, in a ponytail stares at you, as he being the boss of the company, he makes sure that you are doing your work because most of the time you laze around, being the only worker who has done the least amount of work in the company.

"Looks like you've been doing alright after you haven't completed atleast half of your missing work. "The male says.

You pause on the article and look up at him with a death stare, "Sure Mr. Zhongli, whatever you say. " You say and continue your work. Zhongli, as being the boss, he walks away to continue on his work. He probably has a serious meeting but you say "Hey Mr. Zhongli, do you mind giving me some coffee?" You say sarcastically, "He won't get me coffee, he's busy right?" you whisper, But then you hear a reply.

"Sure, I'll get you some. " You look at him in shock, "Don't you have a meeting to go to-" You bend to the side but you don't see him, "Where is he.?" You thought out loud. "I never went anywhere." Zhongli comes close to your ear and whispers. You jump from the response what you heard and your face turns red. "W-why whisper in my ear, dumbass?!" You exclaim.

But Zhongli puts his finger against his lips and says "Language, you are speaking to your superior aren't you?" He says with a slight smirk. You roll your eyes, "Always so cheesy.." You say under your breath.

"Did you say something? "

"I have said nothing, Mr Zhongli. "

You continue your work for a couple of hours and Zhongli returns with your coffee, "That took you awhile, hm? " You say slyly. "I had to do.. work." Zhongli says.

"What kind of work?" You say surprised. Zhongli walks up to you and bends down at your height, "Hm, your rather short."

"Eh? I'm sitting in a chair, that's why I'm short." you look at him dumbfounded. "No, I have studied other (men/women/xeno) sitting in a chair, and you happen to be more.. shorter than I expected." You look at him and pout. "But it doesn't matter whoever I get. " He says while walking away. "Hmph." You cross your arms. "What did he mean by whoever I get?!" You pout and look around, "Wait, he hasn't gave me my coffee!?" You thought and sigh, "and he hasn't answered my question about what type of work, it's too late to ask him now.." You look down, after a couple of seconds you continue your work.

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