Chapter 1: Boot

255 13 2

com.Nari.NariFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
com.Nari.NariDrive kmod start

virtual bool IOHIDEventSystemUserClient::initWithTask(task*, void*, UInt32):
Client task not privileged to open IOHIDSystem for mapping memory (e00002c1)


Boot Complete...


Applause roared into the room, celebrating NARI's first complete initialisation. Pieces of it's processor just laying around on the table. The speaker playing it's voice sequence making a static noise.

The sequence for the question portion didn't turn up, which was a problem. But nevertheless, we were happy that NARI got to say it's first word.

Our project was still in it's early stages. So given that we've already finished it's first boot, we were off to a great start. NARI was still nothing but pieces of it's brain. It's processor, power supply, speaker, and it's program.

The A.I. program we've developed over the years required a tiny bit of tinkering before we could fully integrate it into NARI. We also haven't decided what NARI's personified appearance would be based on. Wether it would be a girl, a boy, or just keep it as an android.

My team consisted of five people. Jared, Eugene, Fatima, Kelly, and I. We were all international students at DMU. Eugene, who was originally from Hawaii, was my bestfriend from high school. He and I were the first ones to talk about Project NARI.

I met, Jared, Fatima, and Kelly, at DMU. Fatima, Kelly, and I were from the Robotics Engineering Programme while Jared and Eugene were from the AI Software Engineering Programme.

We were all grouped together for our final project. So far, we've reached the 3rd week in our gantt chart. Our next step was to start with the bodyworks.

Fatima and Kelly wanted Nari to resemble a girl but Eugene, Jared, and I just wanted to keep it simple and keep NARI in it's sexless android form. After discussing it with the team, we eventually decided that it would be best to make NARI a girl. Because all the other teams were working on androids.

We then ventured off through the week trying to find parts to tinker with that would be a good fit for NARI's ideal look. Eugene and I went to a nearby industrial area where they sold many mechanical parts. We could use this for NARI's internal actuators. We got a good deal on parts at the stores, some were even for free.

When Eugene and I wrapped up with part-finding, Kelly and Jared were looking for prosthetics. Similar to latex dolls where they looked lifelike. Unfortunately, there wasn't much public inventories where we could get such products at small costs. We ended up turning to Real Dolls. Yes... Real Dolls.

Don't misunderstand. We're not talking about real people/humans. We were talking about dolls in the market that were used for... sexual purposes.

These kinds of dolls would've been great since they were already modelled to a female's body, and we could just easily integrate the mechanical parts within. These dolls didn't come in cheap though. But we figured that, if we did built the body model ourselves, it would've been a waste of time and end up being more costly. So we all chipped in for a Real Doll.

Unfortunately, South Korea's postal shipping service doesn't like delivering large boxes filled with inanimate realistic human-like parts. So we had to get it from a local supplier. Kelly, Jared, and I ended being the ones to go to said supplier.

It was embarrassing. But the shop was discreet. It didn't plaster 'Real Doll Sex Dolls for Sale Here!' on it's walls. It was however a sex toy store, so still embarrassing either way. We went in to talk to the store clerk who brought us in to the storage room.

"Lot of people hanging around here." Jared jokes, walking through a room with limbless sex dolls hanging from the ceiling. It was shocking. Looked like a cannibal's butcher room. "I still don't get used to it. I feel like they'll jump me whenever I walk by." The lady clerk says from in front. She led us to the back side of the storage room.

At the back shelves, there were bubble-wrapped metal & silicone body parts. We called ahead to check for the prices and ended up reserving a model ahead of our visit. Unwrapping one of the wrapped parts, we got to see a silicone face for another doll.

"That's not the model we reserved for you." The clerk clarified. "It looks... Pretty." Kelly says, holding the piece up from the bubble wrap. She puts it up to her face. "Am I pretty now..?" She says, maniacally. Jared and I shuddered, creeped out by how Kelly said it. She laughs hysterically, "Was it that creepy?" She smiled. Jared and I both nodded.

The shop clerk was unbothered by Kelly's Leatherface performance.  In fact, she laughed along. "I've never tried that before. We never touch the products." The clerk says. "Why not?" Kelly asks. The clerk coughs.

"Some of these are returns..."

As soon as she said that, Kelly flinches and drops the face back on the bubble wrap. "You could've told me before I put that thing close to my face." Jared and I laughed our asses off. "Someone's dick was probably in that!" Jared laughed hysterically. Kelly groans and just turns away to follow the clerk.

We went to the back corner of the storage room where a box was set aside filled with wrapped parts.

The clerk pulls out a piece of paper from the box and reads it. "Mr. Abrams?" She reads off the paper. "That'll be me." Jared says from behind. "Alright. This is your model." The clerk says, stepping aside to let us peek.

We all took out a piece of Nari's future body from the box and unwrapped it. Kelly had a torso, Jared had a leg, while I had the face.

"She's... big." Kelly says, staring at the real doll's chest piece. "I forgot it was a sex toy." I said, peaking over Kelly's shoulder. "Ew, stop looking." She says. "And you can?" I replied.

"Check this out guys. Urrghh! I broke my leg!" Jared says, holding up a leg piece bent the opposite way. "Be careful! We have to use those limbs for the robot." Kelly scolds Jared. He immediately stops, putting back the leg in the bubble wrap.

"You guys are making a robot?" The clerk asks. "Yeah. It's for our final project." Kelly says. "Your school let's you make robot sex dolls?" The clerk relies.

"N-no! We're making a.. Uhh- a robot!" Kelly stuttered.

"A robot... that's also a sex doll." The clerk tried to follow on but ultimately failed. "It's just for our completely appropriate robot."

The clerk steps away. "Appropriate enough to have three holes." She whispers to herself, but it was loud enough for us to hear. Kelly looked embarrassed, being the only one holding the doll's breasts. Jared and I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Thanks for explaining, guys." She says sarcastically, her disappointment in us plastered all over her face.

"Guys, check out the face." I said, holding up the doll's face. "Where are it's eyes?" Jared asks, standing behind Kelly. "In the box, I think." I pointed at the rest of the parts in the box. Kelly steps aside to talk to the clerk. "Where do we pay?" Kelly asks, taking out her wallet

Author's note: feel free to comment below how this story was! would appreciate if its actually interesting enough to continue

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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Project NARIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें