She sat down and grinned cheekily at him. "Sushi, popcorn, chips, and my favorite fruit. How sweet are you?"

Asher gave her a smile as he held up two champagne flutes. "And I brought fancy glasses to put the sparkling water in. I thought this all out. All by myself."

"This is amazing," she sighed, resting her head against his shoulder. "You're amazing."

"I know," he stated cockily. "Eat up."

She let out a small laugh before reaching for the sushi he had brought and immediately stuffed it into her mouth. Asher's eyes widening at her appetite while she just gave him a small shrug in response and threw him a thumbs up.

Evelyn smiled innocently. "I forgot to eat, today."

Asher patted his stomach and then proceeded to shove some popcorn into his mouth. "Athlete appetite. I get it."

The two sat around and continued to eat the assortment of food. Asher subtly checking her out, his arm slipping around her waist and resting comfortably on her thigh. Her hand rested on his hand, giving it a soft squeeze as they exchanged bashful smiles. Sitting around and just observing the sights before them.

Things were so simple with Asher, and Evelyn seriously enjoyed being with him. He was sweet, attentive, and super caring. And Asher thought the exact same things about Evelyn. She was extremely caring and sweet. He thought being with her was like a breath of fresh air.

Evelyn let out a grunt, resting her head on Asher's lap. "I'm stuffed. You overfed me."

"Me?" he gasped, softly massaging her thigh. "You're the one who insisted on eating that last sushi roll. I told you no. But, someone didn't listen."

"I don't like being told no," she shrugged.

He tapped her on the nose making it scrunch up reflexively. The little scrunch made Asher smile, as he admired her from above.

Evelyn looked up at him from her position on his lap and softly pulled him down and placed her lips on his. It was an awkward position but, the two didn't mind as they enjoyed the feeling of each other's lips.

Asher pulled away, licking his lips after, and gave her a grin. "You're a great kisser."

"I know," she giggled. "I have lots of practice."

He grimaced, gently poking her side. "That's just something I didn't need to know."

"Got it," she mumbled.

"Alright," Asher sighed, nudging her softly. "I gotta take you home."

Evelyn looked around confused, not realizing how much time they had spent at the park until she noticed it was dark out. They had literally been at the park all day too busy enjoying each other's company to even notice.

Asher re-packed everything, shoving it messily into the basket before reaching out for her hand as they walked back to the parking lot. Once they got inside, he had placed his hand once again on her thigh as they drove in silence. But, it was a comfortable silence.

"Thank you for tonight, Ash," she said, as he walked to her front door. "I had a really good time. That picnic you packed was so sweet and thoughtful."

Asher rested his hands on her hips as they stood face to face, well, in her case, face to chest. He brushed a stray hair out of her face and smiled. "It was no problem, Evie. You're worth it."

She blushed, stepping on her tiptoes, and pulled him down for a kiss. The short kiss soon turned into a lustful one, once his hands traveled down to her backside, and gave it a squeeze. A small moan erupted from her mouth making her eyes snap open in shock.

"Okay," she softly pushed him away. "Goodnight, Asher."

"You're not gonna invite me in," Asher teased, a devilish smirk appearing on his lips.

"On the first date?" Evelyn gasped, playfully. "I'm not that easy, Adams. Bye, bye."


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liked by champagnericky and 1690 more

eviehernandez great day, even better company🥰

livbaker you're sunkissed🤩🤌🏽

   →eviehernandez *sends virtual kiss*

asheradams 😌😌

jjparker wait...👀

jjparker ^ is this finally happening?!

a/n: not based on any episode. Just a wholesome Asher and Evelyn chapter!

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