Bonfire 1 Part 56

Start from the beginning

Walking down to where her brother sat on the dock she sat down next to him, "You wanna talk about it?"


Nodding Coral sighed, "JJ went to get alcohol.  He thought it might help."

"Mind numbing drunk sounds pretty good," he acknowledged.

With JJs return came both Kie and Pope too.  After swearing they were going to school the next day John B talked Pope into joining the festivities and the two disappeared down towards the HMS floating at the end of the dock.

"Did he talk about it?" Kie questioned after Coral filled her in about Sarah returning the bandana.

"No, he's probably down there talking to Pope," she replied, taking the offered joint from JJ.

"Well let's go break up the crying session," JJ told them heading out towards the dock.

"Hot potato, hot potato!" JJ called tossing beers over the railing to John B and Pope.  Hearing a splash Coral laughed, "Oh, you fumbled that one."

"Throw me another one," John B said as the boys stood up from where they'd been laying in the Pogue.

"What are you guys doing down here?  Having a good cry?" JJ snickered.

"Cry? What are you talking about? We don't cry," John B scoffed. 

"Yeah okay," Coral snorted.

"You know it's not your fault, right?"

"Do you think she'll come around?"

"Yeah, dude, she's one of us," Kie responded.

Smiling John B nodded, "Yeah, Sarah's a pogue.  She'll come around.  She'll come back to me," he stated confidently, "You know I was just thinking about it.  I'm gonna do a backflip!"

"Oh, dude, that's probably not a good idea," Coral said as the others egged him on. 

Rolling her eyes as her brother back flipped off of the Pogue and into the water she sighed, "You're lucky you didn't break your neck."

"You should come in the water's refreshing!"

"More like freezing!"

"I don't know, Baby Girl, let's go find out," JJ said scooping her up. 

"Put me down!"

"Okay," he told her before dropping her off the dock and into the water.


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"Coral.  Coral.  Come on you promised," Pope shook her awake the next morning.

"No, I lied," she whined.

"JJ, man, wake up.  Is he alive?" Pope questioned.

"Alright, I got John B up.  How's it coming with these two?" Kie asked from the doorway.

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