Chapter 12: Finding the Glasses and Hiding the Autobots

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"Oh, yeah. No, no, Dad. Hey! Sam said, approaching him, trying to stay on the path. "The, oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path." He reaches to the door, pushing Ron back in, "I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?"

"You know, I buy half your car-" Ron said.


"Then I bail you out of jail and then I just decided to do all of your chores."

"The chores. Oh."

"Yeah. Life is great, huh?"

"Life, well, life is fantastic, is how good it is. It's so-" Sam, turns to see Optimus and the others in their bipedal form, Oh, trash cans. Sorry, Dad. I'm going to do the trash cans now."

"No, no, I don't want to strain yourself." Ron opposed.

"No, don't, I won't strain yourself, Dad."

"I'll do it. Come-"

"It would hurt my feelings if you do it."

"You sure? I don't mind, I don't mind, I promise... "

Bumblebee approaches which made Sam freak out more.

"No, no, no, I'm going to do it. I'm gonna so the trash cans and I'm gonna scrape the grill and I'm gonna, I gonna sweep up the whole, uh, house. Right now."

"Tonight, right now?" Ron asked in confusion

"Right now." Sam said.

"Shh, shh shh." Bumblebee said to the Autobots.

"The-uh- I love you. God I love you so much right now." Sam said.

"You know, Mom wanted me to ground you. You're 3 minutes late." Ron said.

"Right? Oh well, just another thing you did for me, Dad, because you're a swell guy. Sleep good, handsome man!" Sam said.

With that Ron heads back to the living room and Sam sighs in relief.

"Sam, we may have a problem." Cisco said, emerging from their hiding spot.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? No, watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the-please, please, please. No, no, wait." Optimus walks carefully around the path, but did not see the fountain. "No, no, no!" Sam shouts but it's too late as Optimus' bipedal crushes the fountain. "Oh no!"

"Whoops. Sorry, my bad." Optimus said.

"Oh, I-you couldn't-wait for five-you couldn't wait for five minutes? Sam asks "I told you to stay! Just stay! God!"

Cisco looks at the ruins of the fountain after what Optimus had done. "Oh man. Someone's going to be pissed about this.

Mojo then arrives in the backyard and Mikaela along with Barry, Oliver, and Kara arrived as well.

"I told you to watch them. I told you." Sam said.

"Okay, do you know what? They seem to be in a bit of a rush." Mikaela said.

"Oh, this is bad." Sam said.

Mojo barks at Ironhide and then moves his foot and urinates.

"No, Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! Sam shouts.

Ironhide sees the dog and flips him with his toe and prepares to crush him, "Nnh, wet."

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Easy! Easy!" Sam rushes in and grabs Mojo, "Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo. This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet. Okay? That's all." 

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