My Druthers 3 Part 55

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know kid. I know."

Looking between Shoupe and the SBI agent, Bratcher, Coral wrinkled her nose, "You've known this whole time haven't you?"

"Not the whole time," Shoupe responded, after glancing at Bratcher, "But since the night you two and Sarah Cameron disappeared we began looking at Ward closer."

"Then what was that show for? Arresting John B?"

"We had to let Ward go on thinking that John B was our only target. If he knew we were on to him he'd disappear faster then you could blink," Bratcher responded.

"Never mind you let Thomas beat the shit out of JB."

"Coral," John B warned.

"I admit that wasn't part of the plan, but neither was you hauling off and hitting Plumb. Why do you think I let that go? Anybody else they'd been arrested for assaulting an officer."

"Well, thanks for that, I guess," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

Tapping his finger on his desk Shoupe sighed, "You should also know that Sheriff Pete was trying to help you kids out. I am too. I started the filing for emancipation for yourselves. I'll let you know what happens next once it goes in front of a judge."

Blinking Coral turned to look at her brother who was staring at Shoupe in shock, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," Shoupe replied, "Now get on out of here. We have a fish to fry."

Snorting Coral shook her head before following John B out of the police station and back to the Twinkie where the others were waiting.

"Well?" JJ asked once they were on their way back to The Chateau.

"He's going down!" John B cried as the others minus Sarah cheered.

The merriment continued once they'd returned to the house. The boys disappeared inside and could be heard through the open windows laughing and cheering over Ward's eventual arrest.

Sitting on the recliner, Coral watched Sarah sitting on the outside couch with Kie. Noticing the look on her face she asked if she was okay, "I mean he is your dad."

"He deserves all of it," Sarah responded, "And I know that

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"He deserves all of it," Sarah responded, "And I know that."

"But he's your dad. We get it," Kie told her, "I'm sure it sucks to be in the middle."

Hearing a phone ringing, Coral was confused when Sarah pulled it out from her pocket. Looking at it she excused herself to go answer the call.

 Looking at it she excused herself to go answer the call

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