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I open a new page in my journal and get down to writing a letter. It's the 21st century and I know, many of you will come at me for being too old school and writing letters but, if there is anything that I have learnt through the years, it is that, it is important to romanticize your own life as no one else is going to do it for you.

Dear M,

I write, addressing my sister.

The past year has brought a lot for us. We grew closer as siblings because we had to stay at home, with each other all the time. I remember how you always tried to console me whenever I cried due to the uncertainty of my grades due to the pandemic. Even though you didn't know how to and you were pretty bad at it, you still tried your best.

And I also remember how we used to make plans of escaping from the reality, to a beautiful place with no restrictions due to health. We wanted to go to some far off place with less noise of people and more sound of the waves near a water body and the birds. We used to read and share so many recommendations for an ideal place, even taking ideas from plot locations in Wattpad novels. Even though I am elder than you, I always found myself having the most fun, feeling the most elated when I used to spend my time in childlike oblivion. Even though short lived, it was lovely.

Now that I moved out, I need being with you so much. I don't have the courage to send this to you because I know you'll cry when you read this and I want you to be strong.

So, I will just message you, like your mature pseudo parent, of the 21st century, using some application, wishing you a happy summer and encouraging you to work as hard as you can, so that the time that we can meet again comes sooner. Always remember, I love you and I wish you'd come to me faster so that we can go to a blue ocean, an orange sunset and a peaceful summer vacation quickly.

Yours truly,

I sigh as I put my pen down. There is a hint of some tears, about to be shed in my eyes but, I wipe them off and put on a watery smile. I close my journal and take my phone to send her the exact message that makes me seem like a mature adult to her.

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