Chapter 1

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I stand inside the infirmary as I watch her loosing blood. Her husband looks at me in horror, expecting me to do something, make use of my power to heal his wife. I call over to Muniba, my attendant, and she rushes to me with a bowl of hot water.

"Hold her still," I say and the woman gazes at me with her eyes half open, ready to lose consciousness anytime soon. She is a middle aged woman who was shot just below her ribcage and her husband did the mistake of pulling the arrow from her wound, letting blood ooze out with nothing to stop it.

I place my hand over her wound and close my eyes. I focus and wait for it to heal. It takes time but happens eventually. When I open my eyes, the wound has disappeared and skin where she was shot now holds a big scar.

Just when I begin to relax a little, I hear her husband's voice. "She's losing consciousness," he sounds panicked and I look at her face. Her eyes are rolled up, limbs frozen. Her breathing has slowed down to almost nothing.

I move closer to her and take her face in my hands. I can't let her die, not when she's so close to surviving. I can heal her. I'm gifted with the power of healing and I can't let it go wasted. "Rub her palms," I order Muniba and she obeys. My throat feels heavy and my heart is beating at a dangerous speed. I look at her helpless state and push back the tears that threaten to break free. "You're going to be okay," I manage to say, "you will heal. You're strong. Your family waits for you to return safely and you can't disappoint them. Open your eyes, sister. See, your wound is healed. Don't die, please," I try to sound calm, keeping my voice low and steady.

My head feels dizzy at the sight in front of me. Death seems to be laughing at my face as I look at it, my heart calling me a failure. Just when I'm about to let a painful yelp escape my mouth, I hear Muniba.

"Alavi," she says and I look up to see her staring at the woman. I follow her gaze and my heart threatens to jump.

The woman's eyes are open as she looks at her husband, tired and worn out, but still alive. She struggles to move her hand and I stop her. She should stay still. "Don't move," I say and see her blink slowly. The white kameez she is wearing is soaked in blood now.

Her husband collapses near her with tears in his eyes. "Sister," he says and joins his hands in front of me. I notice that the sleeves of his green shirt sre stained red. "You saved my wife. How will I ever be able to repay you?" There is a smile on his face as tears roll down his round face. He must be twice my age.

"There's no need for that," I say, fighting back my own tears. I gesture Muniba to clean the blood and give the woman the required medicines. "Take care of her and don't let her move out of bed for at least two weeks. Feed her well for the blood loss was huge and give medicines to her on time," I tell him to which he nods and thanks me.

I look at the woman and see her eying us lazily. She manages to give me a smile which I return warmly.

Heavens, that was close.


When I reach The Royal Mansion, I take a mental note to visit all the people Muniba told me to. Soraya Asaq, wife of the military head in our kingdom, Feroze Asaq; Dara Saman Gazi, the court poet; Negar Araki, daughter of the richest merchant, Danyal Araki; and lastly, Siraj Ashraf Sattar, the Sultan of Faraesi and my father, my Abi who is currently residing in the Qermez Tower with his Council of Ministers.

I wonder what's the reason behind their stay there. There is no war to be fought, no flood or drought to be managed and no known blunder to be taken care of.

Sighing, I make my way inside and as soon as I reach the corridor to my bed chamber, I'm greeted by my eldest brother, Prince Zyir. He's dressed in a long royal blue trench coat and a white shirt underneath, paired with black high waist pants. His boots are sharp and shiny and clean. When he spots me and notices my blood stained sleeves, he raises his eyebrows.

"Morning, half sister," he greets and I press my lips in a thin line. By half sister, he clearly means "half mortal" and I know that's a mockery. Out of the five royal children in Wazaer, I'm the only one whose mother was a mortal. She died after two years of her marriage with Abi, shortly after giving birth to me. I wonder how she must have survived in the royal household with the other two immortal wives of my father.

I shake those thoughts away and smile at Zyir. "Good morning, brother," I greet him back. He scrunches his nose at that, as if disgusted to be addressed that way.

"How many lives did you save today with your little trickery?" His voice is full of disdain. Had I been younger, I would have been affected but I'm a grown up now. I know it's better not to let him beneath my skin.

I smile wider and let him see my teeth. "More than the number of birds you have managed to shoot this year," I say in a sweet tone. His jaw clenches at that and he takes a step toward me.

"Smile all you want, half mortal," he spits, "but know that you're nothing. You need this trickery of yours to be praised in Wazaer whereas we, the pure bloods, are born to be hailed." And with that, he walks away from me in fury. For a second, I just wish to draw my knife out of its sheath and shove it inside his chest. But I know that's a bad idea. There's no fun in attacking someone who's weaker than me. So I turn away and head to my chamber, my fists balled up and my blood boiling.

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