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Word Count- 1961
Summary: Does getting stuck at work because of a blizzard always have to be a bad thing?

You'd always loved the snow and winter had always been your favorite season, ever since you were very young. Watching the snowflakes fall from the sky had a calming effect on you and you'd often ended up staring out your living room window, for hours on end sometimes, whenever it snowed - doing nothing but admiring the beautiful view that the falling snow provided.

Being forced to work all day hadn't given you many opportunities to enjoy the weather outside this winter, though. It'd been snowing for quite a few days now, but you'd been way too busy to even have time to notice.

It was finally Friday now, though, and your mood definitely reflected that. You'd made plans to meet up with friends after work for some drink, which you'd looked forward to ever since the plans had been made two days ago. Annoyingly enough, though, you ended up being forced to stay late and finish work that wasn't actually yours. Everyone but you had now left and you cheerful mood had slowly but surely faded away for every hour that'd passed today.

Well, you weren't completely alone in the office. There was one more person left; a person who, without his knowledge, did a very good job in keeping your cheerful mood from disappearing completely.

Dayvon Bennet.

He was one of your co-workers, had been for about a year now, and had caught your attention the moment you'd first seen him back then. He was incredibly handsome, seemed to be very good at his job and he also happened to have all the qualities you valued in a man. All in all; he was absolutely perfect in your eyes and he made your heart flutter whenever you saw him.

You hadn't done anything about your feelings for him, though. The reason for that was because, when he'd first started working at the company, it'd quickly turned out that he had a girlfriend. Since you hadn't heard about anything changing in that department for an entire year, you'd naturally assumed that he was still dating her.

This conclusion of yours also made it feel natural for you to assume that his cheerful greetings directed at you every morning, how he was by your side within seconds when you were stuck on something and his thoughtful action of walking you to the bus stop whenever you got off work at the same time was just him being his friendly self.

The thing was, even though you felt convinced that he still had a girlfriend, your feelings hadn't changed during this one year. If anything, they'd just gotten stronger.

"Still not done?"

You looked up from your computer screen in surprise, momentarily having forgotten about the fact that you weren't actually alone - too focused on what you were doing. A short distance away, standing by his desk, was Dayvon. There was a small smile on his face as he seemed to be getting ready to leave. At the realization that he was done and you'd soon enough be completely alone, you felt a frown attempting to break out on your face.

"Not yet...", you replied as a tired and annoyed sigh escaped your lips, which earned you a short chuckle from Dayvon - a sound that made your heartbeat speed up momentarily.

"You should leave soon too, though, and-"

When his sentence suddenly stopped abruptly, you looked at him in confusion - having no idea what it would've been that interrupted him. After a moment, you realized that his eyes had left you and that he instead was looking out the large floor-to-ceiling windows that were right behind you.

Because of this, you turned around as well to see if you could figure out what he'd seen. This something was very easy to find and you felt your eyes grow slightly bigger from surprise. A realization that you'd probably have to kiss your Friday night with friends goodbye also grew.

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