Baby #1

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It had all happened so fast. The nine months of (Y/N)'s pregnancy had gone by so fast. And now I was being called to the delivery room. The halls seemed long only because it was important.

As I got closer to the room I could hear blood-curdling screams which worried me. As king, I had so many worries but nothing came close to my top priority which was my queen and our baby. Kenny stood outside the door listening in, the screams would come and go every time she started to push.

How I knew was from the nurse loudly telling her to keep pushing. Another scream came before hearing a crying sound of a baby. Looking over at Kenny he then clamps his hand down on my should like a proud father.

My heart was pounding so fast and I could hear the clicking of the nurses' heels getting closer to the door. When it opened she looks up in slight shock then bows. "My lord... please come in." the woman says.

Fast on my feet, I rush in through the door, my eyes immediately locked on (Y/N) as I walk up alongside the bed. She was sweaty and looked absolutely exhausted. And there in her arms the baby laid, their eyes looked up at me as (Y/N) lifted her arms up slightly. "It's a baby girl," she says.


Unsure of himself he kept a close watch over the baby. The right side of his lips cracked up into a half-smile as he leaned in. Extending his hand out cautiously, he stuck out his pointer finger and put it close to her hand. "What are you gonna name her?" Kenny asks.

Smiling I look back over to Levi who was now having his finger held by the baby. It was the most precious thing I had ever witnessed. "I was thinking Kuchel," I say.

"Kuchel Elizabeth Ackerman." Levi mutters.

I smile and lift the baby closer to him. "Here, hold her," I say. Levi looked at me still unsure of himself fearing he'd harm the baby. I nod slightly encouraging him that it would be okay.

Slowly he took baby Kuchel into his arms and gently rocked her. His eyes locked onto her and he smiles softly. Bringing out his right hand he sticks out his pointer finger again and allows Kuchel to curls her little baby fingers around his.

Not long did the nurses come back in to make sure I was comfortable. I would still be on bed rest for a while longer. But all my attention was towards the two loves of my life as I watched them in the chair beside my bed. And I knew this was only the beginning to a wonderful start to our little family. 

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