Finally with her acceptance, I stand from my chair. 'Yare yare. It would be easier if you would just accept the first time.'

[l/n] copies my actions. "And it would be easier if you would just accept it when I tell you that you don't owe me anything."

She reaches for her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. "Besides, it's not like you'd be any quicker to accept either."

I would if dessert was involved, but I'll keep that to myself.

We grab our things and start walking to the cafe. From the comfortable silence, minus the thoughts running through my head, to the way [l/n] occasionally shifts her bag on her shoulder to relieve the tension. It already feels familiar, like when I go to eat ramen with Kaido and Nendo.

It's 'silent' for awhile longer, until [l/n]'s thoughts surprisingly break that silence. '-I don't know why Saiki didn't just tell me. But if he doesn't want me to know, I won't bring it up.'

Wait what?

It seems that thought only became audible at the end so I missed the context. All I know is that she knows something I don't want her to. Does she know I'm psychic? Damn it, why do her thoughts have to be so vague?

I can't ask her directly, but maybe a more flexible question should work. 'Something on your mind?'

[l/n] keeps her gaze in front of her, but I still notice the corners of her mouth lift slightly. "And you say I'm perceptive."

She pauses. "And sure, but it's not my place to bring it up."

She steals a glance in my direction. "What about you? You look tense."

The fact she can even pick up on that has me tense in itself. She says I'm perceptive, but unlike me, she doesn't have telepathy in her side. 'Nothing for you to worry about.'

We reach the cafe not long after. Ever since our vague responses, there's been tension, so the sight of the cafe is a relief to both of us.

We walk in, only to be unfortunately greeted by Mera. I guess my luck has to run out eventually. "Saiki! This is a surprise!"

'I come here all the time. There's nothing surprising about it.'

"Sure you're a regular, but I hardly ever see you with company."

Mera turns to [l/n]. "And your company is [l/n] at that."

She grabs [l/n]'s hands, catching her off guard a little. "My dear [l/n] is becoming a regular herself, so it's nice to see you together."

Her eyes sparkle, a single tear rolling down her face. Even the background fades as her grip on [l/n]'s hands tightens. "Just remember, both of your finances are always appreciated here."

'Was that supposed to be moving?'

To [l/n]'s relief, Mera finally lets go. "Anyway, now that I think about it... A boy and a girl the same age at a cafe together. Could it be a da-"



Mera doesn't hear [l/n]'s thought, but I do. It seems she thought it firmly as I said it, enough that I managed to hear it.

Mera gives a disappointed smile. "I figured not, but it was worth a try. It's hard to imagine you loving anyone, Saiki."

I know what she really means, so I don't know why that comment stings, but it does.

Mera leads us to a table away from the window, per my request. Once we're seated, Mera clicks her pen. "You two know what you want?"

I don't hesitate. 'Two coffee jellies. One with coffee, one with tea.'

[l/n]'s eyes widen, but I ignore it.

Mera jots down the order before tucking away her pen. "I'll be back with your orders in a moment!"

I turn to look at [l/n]. 'Don't look at me like that. You still haven't tried it, right? If you don't like it, just give it to me and order something else.'

[l/n] looks away. "... Thanks."

'I'm just returning a favor, no need to thank me.'

"If you say so."

I'm still tense. I need to find out what [l/n] meant earlier by knowing something she shouldn't, but I'm not sure how to get her to talk. Maybe I can just get her to think about it. I'll just have to be careful with my telepathy.

One way or another, I'll figure this out.

Headspace [Saiki x Fem Reader]Where stories live. Discover now