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"YOU'RE FAILING, JJ." Mister Sunn deadpanned, looking at JJ through his circular glasses, which he only wore occasionally.

It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and JJ could hear the distant squeaks of sneakers against the tile floors of Kildare High School from within the hallway. The classroom remained empty, only JJ and Mister Sunn inside.

"Okay, but if I pass this next test on Friday, I'll pass? Right?" JJ questioned, seeking the validation he needed from his teacher in that moment.

Mister Sunn sighed, slowly pulling his glasses off his nose, setting them down on the quite organized desk, "Maybe the next five tests. Possibly."

The uncertainty in his teacher's voice caused JJ to panic, "What can I do?"

"I'd suggest getting a tutor by the end of tomorrow. Then study for the remainder of the week, that's all I can really say." He answered honestly. JJ sighed, slouching his shoulders in defeat.

JJ was never one to ask for help. He always felt he had to do things on his own, he hated feeling like a burden. But this time, he had to suck up his pride and find someone.

Mister Sunn then perked up, spinning around in his chair and turning to his file cabinet. JJ watched the older man with curious eyes. Mister Sunn pulled open one of the drawers, hushed mumbles falling from his lips, seeming to be reading the file names, before quickly pulling one out. He opened it, handing JJ about two sheets of paper.

Hesitantly, JJ accepted the papers, eyes scanning them. He looked back up to his teacher, asking, "What is this?"

"Those are the learning targets you need to complete before the end of the semester." Mister Sunn informed him.

The end of the semester was in one month.

The Maybank boy's eyes widened, "WHAT?"

Mister Sunn only nodded, seeing the stare of distress the blonde was entering. He sighed, "I can recommend you a tutor, if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be—" JJ was cut off by someone else entering the classroom. Out of pure curiosity, JJ turned, meeting the dark eyes of Pope Heyward, "You've gotta be shitting me."

"Mister Heyward! Just the guy I was looking for." Mister Sunn exclaimed I'm excitement, yet both Pope and JJ seemed far from excited to be in each other's presence.

"What'd you need, sir?" Pope asked, finally reverting his eyes away from JJ, who had been looking at the floor with his tongue tucked in his cheek angrily.

"Mister Maybank here is looking for a tutor, and you know who I immediately thought of?" The older man smiled.

"Who?" Pope questioned, already having a gut feeling of where this was going.

"You, of course." Mister Sunn answered.

"You know, I don't need a tutor. I'm good." JJ piped up, seeming very annoyed. He slung his ripped up book bag higher over his shoulder, preparing himself to exit the classroom.

"Now, hold on, JJ." The teacher interrupted, JJ sighing and stopping in his tracks, "I know you and Mister Heyward have never been on good terms, that's been very clear from the beginning. But JJ, he can really help you get where you need to be. Do you think you can swallow down your pride for the sake of your future?"

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