After The Wedding

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Everyone ducked some people got injured , Carlotta called 911 five minutes later the cops and ambulance was there and took Cassie , angle , and Mateo to the hospital.

Rashad: Carlotta where is cassie , angel, and mateo?

Carlotta: Cassie and angel is still in surgery and Mateo is in recovery.

Rashad: Oh okay how are you doing carlotta.

Carlotta: I'm good I'm just worried give me a minute i have to call somebody.


Carlotta: *Calls randall* hey i'm at the hospital somebody shot up the wedding 

Randall: Ok ill meet you there 

Carlotta: OK *hangs up*

Carlotat: Gets dizzy, *passes out*  

Carlotta: *Wakes up* she sees everyone and the doctor.

Doctor: hello everyone so ms.brown how are you feeling.

Carlotta: I'm a little dizzy 

Doctor: So the reason why you passed out is that your dehydrated and there's another reason

Carlotta: what is it?

Doctor: Your pregnant

Carlotta and everyone else: WHAT.

what will happen next? 

Star: Carlotta & RandallWhere stories live. Discover now