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Y/n: damn joshua
Josh: what? didn't think I would do it?
Y/n: no I just didn't think you could be that freaky
Josh: that's not even freaky it's just horny
He laughs, you laugh and he lets go off your waist and hits you with a pillow
Y/n: hey your mean
Josh: stop caping that's all you
Y/n: pls- whatever
Josh: I'm serious
Y/n: yea I'm sure you are
You roll your eyes
Josh: keep rolling those eyes at me see what happens
You roll your eyes again
Y/n: what you gonna do
Josh: remember that time wh-
Y/n: heyyy no no no no shhhh
You cover his mouth
Josh: and we were fu-
Y/n: hey hey shush quack quack shh quack quack quack
He laughs
Josh: and you had a-
Y/n: shhhh
You kiss him
Y/n: shush you will wake up the baby...you'll wake up the baby
Josh: the what!?
Y/n: nothing it's from a movie
You laugh and kiss him
he kisses you
Y/n: shhhhut upp
You make out with him
He makes out back and holds onto your hips
You pull away slowly
Y/n: you gonna shut up now?
Josh: no I think you better try again
You grab his jaw and make out with him again, he makes out back and moves you around on him slowly
Y/n: josh chilll
Josh: what?
Y/n: stop moving me
Josh: stop teasing me
Y/n: ...
You lay your head on his chest
Josh: why haven't you been clingy today?
Y/n: wym?
Josh: like your usually all over me
Y/n: Idk just not in the mood ig
Josh: come here what's wrong
He wraps his arms around you and rubs your back
Y/n: Idk..
Josh: you tired wanna take a nap?
Y/n: sorta
Josh: cmon we can take a nap together
Y/n: mhm
He cuddles you and y'all fall asleep together
-hour later-
Josh is up and on his phone as you wake up
Y/n: babe
Josh: hm
He puts his phone down and hugs you
Y/n: nun
Josh: wanna get up now? It's late
Y/n: what time is it?
Josh: 4pm
Y/n: damn
Josh: it's alr it was a long day you deserved to sleep in
You smile
Josh: I'll be back
He goes in the bathroom n sets up a camera
Josh: it's josh and not y/n so I'ma be pranking her and asking if she wants to have a baby
he goes out the bathroom and sets up the camera
Y/n: wanna go to the park in a bit? We can walk around and Derek can come if he wants
Josh: yea but I need to talk to you
Y/n: about what silly
You sit up and look at him, he looks over you while your on the bed
Josh: we should have a baby together
Y/n: uh..
Josh: cmon
Y/n: josh..
Josh: please I want you to have my kids
Y/n: josh I wanna have it kids too but now?
Josh: yea
Y/n: we're so young tho
Josh: not really your almost 21 and I'm almost 23 cmon
Y/n: can we give it a little longer
Josh: but
Y/n: pls josh
Josh: ...o..kay fine..
Y/n: look josh it's not like I don't want your kids I just feel like I'm not ready
Josh: fine...
Y/n: I'm sorry
Josh: but I really want one now
Y/n: just give it time babe
Josh: okay cause this is on video
Y/n: you- it's a prank
Josh: yea haaaaa!
Y/n: so you don't want a baby with me
Josh: obviously I do one day but I agree that we are way to young and I don't think we would be able to plus I wanna wait til marriage
You smile
Y/n: same
Josh gets the camera and shows you
Josh: surprise...
Y/n: hey YouTube
You get up and hug josh
Josh: okay that's it for this video hope you guys enjoyeddd byee
Y/n: byeee
He ends the video
Y/n: can we go to the park now?
Josh: maybe
Y/n: wym maybe?
Josh: maybe
Y/n: whatever
Josh: yea whatever
He lays down and you get on him
Josh: hi
Y/n: hey
You put your hands on your chest
Josh: whachta wantttt?
Y/n: nun
Josh: you sure? You acting like ur thirsty
Y/n: huh!?
Josh: nun
He laughs and grabs his phone, you snatch his phone out his hand
Josh: hey!
You get close to his face
Y/n: what did you say!?
Josh: I said you look thirsty
Y/n: for what
Josh: me
He flips you over and leans over you
Y/n: maybe
He smirks
Josh: for me?
Y/n: yes josh for you- who else would I be thirsty for
Josh: shut up
He kisses you
Y/n: get off me
You push him off you
He smiles
Josh: hey we were having a moment
Y/n: well that moment is over
He laughs and leans back over you
Y/n: yo If your that thirsty that your trying to grind on me and trying to play it off maybe you should just do it for your Little girlfriends on your tiktok
Josh: like how?
Y/n: just put the camera down on the bed or the floor and grind on it like you would grind on me easy peasy limon squeezy
Josh: I'm not doing that
Y/n: okay "freaky josh"
Josh: hey don't talk about my name like that
Y/n: your name isn't freaky josh it's daddy
Josh: oh-
Y/n: nah jp
You go silent and get on josh's phone
Josh: whachta doing
Y/n: things
Josh: hey! Your stalking my freaky tiktoks
He takes his phone from you
Y/n: nooo
Josh: haha caught in 4K

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