Imagine 3

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This whole day you had been laying in bed, just enjoying your time together with your boyfriend but unfortunately you had let your stupid thoughts get to you and were now doubting that he loved you or.. well, why he did because oftentimes your brain made you think you weren’t lovable and that no one cared about you.

And yea technically you always knew that was a lie but somehow you just kept feeling like its true.
You don’t notice when he calls your name, too deep in these thoughts that you really shouldn’t be paying attention to, but doing exactly that nonetheless.

And again he calls out for you“hey? (y/n)?” this time succeeding in bringing you out of your trancelike state.
You take a moment to come back to reality as you slowly turn your head, trying to shake those thoughts away “yes?” just then you notice the very concerned look plastering his face
you look down.

Not wanting to lie to him but not wanting to be a burden and bother him with your problems “(y/n), please talk to me, yea? don’t shut me out again, you know i’m here for you so please.. don’t push me away. It won’t do any good for you or me” he said.

Knowing now that something was definitely wrong “i just-.. i” you were so frustrated, you hate when this happens.

You don’t want to feel like nobody cares about you when you know that it’s not true, you just feel so stupid believing that but again nonetheless you did.

 He knows you struggle with that, he made you open up about it, he didn’t force you to but he always made sure you knew that when you weren’t okay he’d be there, always.

But because you already told him once and he had to comfort you already you didn’t want to tell him it’s the same dumb thing over again “baby, please? or just tell me what i can do to make it better? just- anything, please? i hate seeing you like this, love” he desperately tries to get you to say something, anything at all as you just sit there.

Looking down as though you’re lost, and in a way you are, lost in your thoughts that are bringing you down, it's as though they’re laughing at you, enjoying the reaction you’re giving them. “I hate this so much” you mutter under your breath “what?” he softly asks, so you finally look up at him.

“i-... can we maybe just cuddle? i don’t really want to talk about it” you whisper on the verge of tears and he immediately pulls you closer “of course, love” he whispers.

“Come here” you lay down on his chest and cuddle into his side “i’m sorry” putting a finger under your chin he tilts your head to face him as much as that's possible in your position.

“hey you have nothing to be sorry for, okay?” you sigh “yeah i guess..” you say and lay your head back on his chest “it’s the same thing again, isn’t it?“ you nod silently, your head still laying on his chest you let a few tears fall.

When he notices he only pulls you closer "i’m sorry.. i’m so, so sorry“ you turn to look up at him and quote his words from just a moment ago “you have nothing to be sorry for” he chuckles sadly

“i don’t know how to make you believe that people love and care about you.. that i love and care about you” he takes your hand in his “I know you do just-“ he interrupts you “it doesn’t feel like it? you don’t believe it? and you’re asking yourself why i do?” he asks and you nod, he sighs.

“i want you to know that i love you so, so much..“ he sits up with you

“more than anything in this whole damn world and i’m not just saying that to make you feel better it’s actually true..
and sometimes it’s scary because i’ve never felt so incredibly deeply about someone but i don’t care because it’s worth it,
I took this chance because i want you in my life.. because i don’t want to ever live without you.. i wanna wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I love you, okay?” he goes in to cup your face putting a quick kiss to your nose

You're now full on crying hearing him talk so passionately about how much he loves you, you let yourself fall into his chest as he pulls you in for a hug.

You inhale his familiar scent that never fails to comfort you even in the worst of times “i love you so much do you know that?” you manage to say through your sniffles.

“yes, i do and i hope that now you know just how much i love you” you nod, your head still buried in his chest “yea.. thanks for that” you whisper with a small smile forming on your face.

“of course, my love.. always” he slightly pushes you away from his embrace so he can look into your eyes.

“and i mean that (y/n) you can always come to me if you feel like that. I will gladly list all the things i love about you as well as all the reasons i do, okay?” you hesitantly nod.

“yeah... okay” now finally letting a huge smile erupt on his face he takes your hand into his. “Good” just then he pulls you back in by the waist, letting your lips collide and just maybe time stopped when his lips met yours.

Both of you melting into one another, your heart skipping a beat as though it’s the first time all over again.

After parting and him resting his forehead on yours both of you break into huge smiles showing the genuine happiness and love the two of you are feeling right in this moment and perhaps forevermore.

Chris Williams Where stories live. Discover now