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I watched as JJ took a bite from his mold sandwich. He wasn't letting up on the fact that it was fine to eat but I knew he wouldn't think that as soon as he took a bite. He took a bite of it, leaning over my shoulder. I heard him chew for a few seconds before spitting it back out into his hand. He just stared at the sandwich for a few moments before tossing it into the trash.

"I told you so."

He just lightly hit the back of my neck with his palm.


"Hey, didn't you have to go back to your mothers?" I heard John B come out from his room.

"Yeah, I've been avoiding it."

"I can take you if you want. I'd really love to get my mind off of things." He scratches the back of his neck, staring at the articles his father left him.

He hasn't really spoken since listening to the tape and looking over the map for over an hour. He cried for quite a while, but this was the first time he made an attempt to talk to us since.

"I don't wanna bother you. I'll be okay. I'm sure she'll be asleep when I go by."

"Are you sure?" He gave me a look. I was going to have to tell the others sooner or later that my mom abused me and that's why I had marks, but I didn't want to put that all on them.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a bit. Thank you, JB. I'm here for you always, okay?"

"You too. I'm sorry."

"No need for apologizing." I lean down and place a kiss on his cheek before heading back to my house.

I walked out John B's front door and start heading down the street to the Figure Eight side of the island. I walked for a bit before hearing something behind me. I'm quick to turn on my heels to find JJ had followed me.

"JJ, what the hell? You scared the shit out of me." I pushed into his shoulders.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself."

"Did you not hear me decline John B?"

"Yeah and then you kissed him? What happened to he's not my type?"

"He isn't! I'm just trying to be a good friend."

"Friend huh? Friends kiss?"

"Ugh. JJ, this is why I wanted to go on my own. I just need time to think for myself."

"I'm not letting your mom hurt you again." I felt his hand go for mine but I pull away.

"She's not going to. I'm never going back, I'm taking all my shit with me tonight."

"What's stopping her from finishing you off tonight?"

I continued to walk, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I approach my house. I heard him start to run to catch up with me, but he stops when he sees the Cameron's. They look directly over to us, they were having a fire on their lawn.

"Rachel? Your moms been looking for you everywhere." I heard Ward's voice call.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'd really like it if you didn't mention I came by, okay?"

He nods. "Can I ask why?"

"I'd prefer not to say. I'm sorry."

"Rafes been worried about you. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine. She was just leaving." JJ comes up behind me and pulls me off the lawn, to the side of the house.

"Rachel? Who was that? Are you okay?" It wasn't Ward's voice this time, it was Rafe.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now