"Not if you bet money on it" Bucky says to all of us, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Agreed!" Sam says lightly punching Bucky's arm.

Everyone agrees at this point.
However we change the rules a lot. So now it's kind of our own game rather than charades.

The rules went that we all have a name on a card. All of us on separate pieces of paper.
We all sit around, far enough where people can't see other cards.
All of us ask questions to each other about who they may have.
Like charades. Whoever can get three names correct, they win.

The bet is whoever wins, the others have to give $5 each to the winner. So the winner gets $60 dollars in total.

"Ok! Let's play." Tony says eager to win.

Oh it's on.

We all write down our names and put it in a bowl, mixing it around then pulling one piece of paper out.

I grab mine, and it reads Rhodes.

I observe everyone take out their own card and read it.
They can't be serious.
I laugh at all of them, to which they stare at me.

"What are you laughing at?" Rhodes asked me.

I shake my head, trying to contain my laughter.

" I just know who everyone has" I state. "I know i'm correct. Don't ask me how, I just know. And no I didn't cheat"

All the avengers hold suspicious looks at me.

" $200 cash, says you don't." Tony tells me.

Now all of them have smirks, ready to see how this plays out.

"It's on" I shake hands with him.

"Now, please enlighten us" Steve says, gesturing his hand, like saying " The stage is all yours".

I smile
"Nat, you have me"

Her face was blank "No I don't"

But her tone says otherwise so I continue.

"Not only do I know you have me, but like I said before I know who everyone else has"

"That's not possible" Bruce says to me.

"Perhaps not for the ordinary people such as yourself Bruce, But for the brilliant mind of y/n Sherlock, I legally changed my name" I joke

" It's quiet, simple elementary. For you see Wanda made a face I only recognize during training, which means she got Thor. Thor has Clint, his eyes keep shifting over to him"

"No they don't" Thor grumbles.

"Tony looks disgusted which means he got Scott, Bucky did not draw a card, but due to Tony forcing him he got Wanda. Bruce moves his mouth when he reads and he clearly said Sam."

"I did get Sam!" He awes

I smirk then continue

"Sam has Tony, he is holding his paper name side up."

"Oh she's good" Thor whispers.

" Scott has Bruce, he looked directly at him. Clint has Steve. Steve has Nat. Rhodes has Bucky and I have Rhodes.
NOW! Where is my $200."

I clap my hands.

All of their mouths dropped.

Tony silent takes out $200 dollars from his jacket pocket and hands it to me.

"Thank you" I count it.

"How the hell did you do that!" Everyone yells at me.

I flinch at first but giggle at the end. Oh my gosh I giggled.
"I will yet explain my teachings until you are all worthy" I get up heading to the kitchech, taking out chips.

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