Chapter One~ Poguelandia

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No one's POV:

The sun began to set and it was nearing the horizon. The Pogues were finding means of shelter and food on JJ's acclaimed land called Poguelandia. Cleo and Pope were gathering wood and finding the materials to start a fire, JJ and John B were trying to find a way to get fish, and Kiara, joined by Sarah were searching for possible shelter.

"So tell me, what's going on with you and JJ?" Sarah asked Kiara bluntly while smirking.

"Nothing's going on between us Sarah. Why do you ask?" Kie responded looking confused.

"Bullshit. I see the way you've been looking at him." Sarah paused. "Your eyes full of love, admiring every little aspect about him." She said emphasizing the word love.

"Sar, I thought was gonna lose him today. He's my best friend, no one wants to lose a best friend. Hell, it felt like I was losing you and John B all over again, but worse because I was right there with him. He got hit with a machete for fuck's sake!" Kie explained. "Plus my eyes aren't full of love, I was just a little worried about him today, that's all."

"Mhm. Are you sure that's it?"

"Yes. Besides, no Pogue-on-Pogue macking remember?"

"I don't think that rule applies anymore Kie." Sarah reminded her as she picked up a large log.

"And why's that?" Kiara questioned looking around for something to help them build a structure.

"Well for starters, John B and I are both Pogues and we're married. Plus you didn't seem to follow that rule while you and Pope we're a thing, now did you?"

Kiara knew Sarah had got her there. She was right, her and Pope were macking, and John B did kiss her at one point too, so that was two out of the three Pogues. Kiara never even kissed JJ on the cheek and she had done that with both Pope and John B numerous times. She considered it more of a friendly gesture rather than a showing of romantic interest. She never really thought about why she hadn't kissed JJ on the cheek before, until now. She thought it was probably because she knew he would make a joke about it, or possibly even swerve his head the other way to avoid it. Surely he wouldn't do that right? He couldn't hate her she thought.

"You got me there." Kie responded after a long pause.

"Thought so." Sarah said.

"Bitch." Kiara said with a smirk.

"You're the bitch." Sarah replied with a giggle, making Kiara giggle as well.

They had grabbed all they could hold of the shelter supplies, which had consisted of a couple logs, some bamboo sticks that had fallen, and some large palm tree leaves for cover. They returned to the other Pogues and sat the supplies down. Pope and Cleo had managed to get a nice fire going, and JJ, with John B, had just gotten back as well holding four sticks, each with a decently sized fish on them.

"Damn you dumbasses actually did it!" Pope said to JJ and John B.

"Hey dickwad, this stuff takes skill that you don't have! Plus you just aren't as good of a fisher as JJ Maybank are ya?" JJ responded with a smirk, which earned a laugh from Cleo, Kiara, John B and Sarah.

"Yeah what he said!" John B replied.

"Well you two imbeciles clearly don't have the skill to make this amazing fire that I got assigned to create." Pope replied with a smirk.

"You mean WE got assigned to make, I did most of the work mate." Cleo stated making everyone laugh.

"No you didn't I did!" Pope replied almost offended.

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