multiverse theory a bitch

Start from the beginning

Summer: um hello?

Austin: what the that voice could not be summer that you

Summer: um how do you

Austin: summer it's me Austin or Adrian wait hang on sorry I just realize what going on

Summer: you do?

Austin: yes judge by your tone you don't know who I am or at least me your staring at witch mean's hang on do you live here?

Summer: um kind of but you look like my boyfriend

Austin: weird flex b- I'm sorry did you say no what not gonna have you repeat so that just confirms it I am in another me universe fantastic and that mean's he's live here but due to how everything look's I would say I'm on an 

Summer: Earth

Austin: great so weird question do you already 

Summer: know I am a fictional character yes

Austin: ah well is it bad I see it as a good thing but anyway back to figure this out 

Summer: how are you so calm

Austin: well I'm not really but this situation is better then having to worry about people trying to kill me or thinking I'm home Invading because the amount of times and plus not the first time I been to another me's world I meet like probably 62,64 maybe more hell we made a federation well at least when I was a EPF god's it's been so long to try and not wring around talk's any who where this version of me

Summer:  0_0 are you ok

Austin: ok as if a ship got lifted and thrown off a un gellerfeild protected jump and sent to brazil only to get shoved down cathulu and self destruct onto a space station were clown's have bomb's strapped on them and is only trigger by saying the gibberish of a mentality retarted person 

Summer: what is wrong with you

Austin: a many of thing's also sseth and a couple of to many YouTube anyway what this *I point at the floor panel*

summer: nothing important 

Austin: ok but is it ok back to the previous question where the other me

???: check behind you 

Austin: ah good and *I notice his wolf ear's and tail* huh neat *I revile my own* so what breed are you

???: excuse me?

Austin: are you timber, artic, Siberian ,Faunus , Nordic, Scandinavian, 

???: I'm a Faunus what about you

Austin: wolf blood fuse with me also got a godzilla and xenomorph 

???: huh I can only summon those 2 

Austin: Cool but I know this may sound weird but to lower confusion mind if we change your name for instance I may be an Austin but to clarify witch I go by Adrian

Rodrick: would not hurt how about Rodrick

Austin: that fine nice to meet you Rodrick

Rodrick: pleasurer all mine Adrian

Austin: ok now that over with how did she and possible others get to this version of earth 

Rodrick: guessing same way you did

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