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So this is the end of this story and after that I'm gonna start working on my Barry Allen the Super Soldier story so keep a look out of that I've got a lot to get through with that series, alright let's get on to the story.

Our Heroes got back to Star Labs and they celebrated their victory against their enemies and after that the individual heroes went their separate ways to their own cities.

"Alright Barry yet another adventure we went on it was interesting" Oliver told Barry smiling at him and Barry nodded his head "Yeah man again really sorry for the whole Nazis crashing your wedding thing" Barry apologized "don't mention it Bar we're here to help, that's what friends are for and your family you know don't be afraid to ask use to help" Oliver assured Barry and he nodded in response and then the two bid goodbye and went their separate ways.

And as Barry maid he was towards the Star Labs Cortex he saw team Legends (the once who helped out in the was), Team Supergirl and the friendly Earth-X doppelgängers.

Kara stepped towards Barry and hugged him to say goodbye Alex and Lena followed to do the same "Alright Bar see you next time" Kara told Barry but then she looked at Kara(X) and Sara(X) "you're gonna figure this thing out?" Kara asked meaning the relationship between the three and Barry nodded his head "yeah we'll figure it out but slowly there's no rush right?" Barry asked Kara and she nodded in response "take as long as you need no one is forcing you to be in a relationship with either of them ok just pick wisely" Kara told Barry he genuinely "I was actually thinking not picking at all you know it's legal to be in a relationship with two partners?" Barry told/asked Kara and she nodded in response "it's an ancient law I see you've done your research, you must really love these women" Kara asked and Barry nodded "I'm glad your going to be in a relationship after your brake up with patty" Kara told her Superfriend "yeah well I did have 5 years to spend in a different Earth so I guess I finally moved on" Barry told her and Kara agreed and then they hugged one last time and went their separate ways.

And then finally Barry looked at his friends from Earth-X Leo and Ray were talking with Cisco and Caitlin and when Barry arrived they finished their conversation and followed Barry's eyes and they were on his old Flash suit and then Bruce and Leo walked up to Barry. "Is that the uniform?" Bruce asked and Barry nodded and then he looked at all his friends from Earth-X who were in the cortex "So what now Boss?" Asked Tommy and then Barry shook his head "No Tommy I'm not the boss anymore" Barry said confusing the team "turns out I'm gonna stay here" Barry told his team which made Cisco and Caitlin really happy but the Earth-X members sad "well then who's gonna be our leader?" Asked Tommy and Barry looked at Bruce and nodded towards him "I think Bruce is a great pick he just everything I do just a bit slower" he said smirking at Bruce "well bit all of have that freaky serum in us Bar" Bruce replied jokingly but accepted the position "wait what about Winn?" Asked Kara(X) "well he has a family to take care of like his pregnant girlfriend" Barry told them and Bruce nodded "it really is an honor Barry thanks" Bruce told Barry and shook his hand and then Sara(X) came up towards Barry and stood beside him "and what about you two?" Bruce asked Barry, Sara(X) and Kara(X) "Ih I think I'm gonna stay we've got a lot of things to figure out" Sara(X) responded yo Bruce but looked at Barry and Kara(X) and the team nodded their heads, after their discussion Barry led them to the breach room to send them back to Earth(X) and one after one they left leaving Tommy, Winn and Bruce to say their final goodbyes they hugged each other and Barry gave them an extrapolator to come back to Earth-1 if they need any help from the heroes of this earth and then they were finally gone.

From now on we're gonna call Kara(X) and Sara(X) as just Kara and Sara with out the X just so you know.

"So what now?" Sara asked looking towards her two best friends and they shrugged their shoulders "well maybe we can go home" Barry suggested the two "what home?" Kara asked Barry "Uh apparently my apartment is still there no one sold it or anything even after five months, technically 5 years but lest not get into that" Barry told them and they nodded "but we can't just pretend that everything is ok we have to figure this thing out" Sara told to the both of them "we will Sara but at a private place there a lot of eyes and ears here" Barry said pointing at a cameras "so we're to?" Asked Sara "Home"Barry told the two.

As the three entered Barry's Loft he bought a long time ago it was the same as he left it "Barr what are we gonna do about this situation we have" Sara asked pleadingly and then Barry stepped towards her and took her hands "you need to know that this earth is not like your you can be your self around us without being judged ok?" Barry asked Sara and she nodded in response "this is gonna sound weird but you have to listen carefully" Barry told Sara and she nodded again in response "Me and Kara kissed and before you get sad I need you to understand I've been in love with both of you since I first met you at the camp were we trained with each other we became friends it was the happiest I've ever been when I'm with you both, but then things started getting weird I mean Earth-X had rules and I thing have a relationship with three people was not excepted same with being bi or being gay it— it was complicated and I guess I didn't want you to get in trouble and— and after that speech you gave us about telling the world about the real you, about you feelings it just encouraged me to tell you what I feel, it made me love you even more and I couldn't be any prouder of you, and that night when I told you I was in love with you and Kara you were angry and disappointed that I didn't tell you and Kara sooner— which I understand and I feel like it's all my fault—-" Barry couldn't finish his sentence because he had tears in his eyes but they were soon wiped by Sara and Kara they both kissed him on the cheeks and then Sara kissed Barry on the lips to show that she understood the guilt he carried over the years.

"So get to the point Barr" Sara asked after pulling away from the kiss and Barry looked at Kara and she nodded her head "there is no simple way to say this and no matter what it's gonna come out weird but I'm willing to try, so Sara Lance would you be our girlfriend?" Barry asked Sara and she was confused a bit but the. She looked behind her and saw Kara smiling too "yeah Sara will you be ours?" Kara asked and Sara smiled and nodded her head and then the three hugged and kissed each other.

Years Later

"Hey honey wake up" Kara attempted to wake her husband and Barry shook his head snuggled with her but then he felt some one  behind him snuggling him "Cmon baby wake up it's a special day" Sara whispers into Barry eaters and then Barry groaned again and opened his eyes to see his beautiful wives on top of his bed "Happy Birthday Barr" the two said in sink and Barry started smiling and then two women kissed their husband and then all three of them went down stairs and then Barry was tackled by his daughters little Laurel Lance-Allen and little and little Alura Zor-El- Allen but to the humans just Alura Allen "Happy Birthday Daddy!" They girls said in sink and Barry laughed and kissed both of them in the foreheads "Thanks my little Munchkins I love you both with all my heart" Barry told his children with a smile and then the family had a nice relaxing breakfast and then at that time Barry knew he was living the dream.

The End

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