"Feel what change?" Lucas asked turning around to face the McCall girl.

"everything, I mean how many moments can you point to and say that's when it all changed, you just had one." Blake said moving her face closer to his giving him a teasing smile.


"you submitted my sketches to thud magazine." Blake heard Peyton say to Lucas as she walked down the halls with Brooke.

"and they liked them didn't they?" Blake heard Lucas ask.

"If I wanted your help I would ask for it." Blake heard Peyton say in a sassy tone as her and Brooke walked right next to her.

"hey you didn't happen to find my um?" Blake asked Lucas, the boy open up his locker and hand her the leopard print bra, Brooke couldn't help but snort at how her friend actually listened to her.

"Thanks superstar." Blake said as she patted Lucas's lower back and walked away with Brooke.

"I can't believe you actually did it!" Brooke laughed as she took her bra from the McCall girl.

"Believe me I can't believe I did it either." Blake giggled just remembering how embarrassed she felt last night.

"I can't believe you used the Brooke Davis leopard bra, dude that's like a welcome mat." Peyton stated running up to the pair causing Blake to snort. "Anyways I heard you were naked in his car." Peyton teased her friend.

"what no, I was only partially naked." Blake defeated herself. "At one point I wrapped myself in the blanket in his backseat because it was cold." Blake added causing Brooke to giggle.

"okay focus you're a slut, you're wrapped in a blanket then what happens?" Peyton questioned wrapping her arms around the brunette's shoulder.

"well then nothing, he was really sweet like I told you guys the first time I talk to him, he even drove me home again and just because I did that once doesn't make me a slut fake blonde."Blake replied with a teasing smile.

"maybe he's gay." Peyton said in disbelief.

"no I think he's just nice, but anyways it's gonna be so great when he sleeps with Blake." Brooke added in giggle as she pulled the McCall girl with her to her locker.


"come on whitey you have to let me- oh my god!" Blake started saying following coach Whitey but quickly stopped and covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh as she saw a naked Lucas Scott carrying basketballs over his crotch and butt.

"I was just getting used to Low rise jeans." Coach Whitey mumbled turning the corner which made Lucas blush in embarrassment. "let's go, ball boy" whitey says to Lucas motioning to his office.

"yeah go on, ball boy" Blake said to Lucas sending him a teasing smile, the boy give her a sarcastic smirk and then walk toward the coaches office.


"Lucas, what's your favorite color?" Blake heard Brooke whispered to the blonde boy while they were in class.

"Black." Lucas whispered back toward Brooke.

"B-l-a-c-k." Brooke spelled while moving a piece of paper. "What's your favorite number?" the Davis girl asked which caused Lucas to raise up three fingers. which made Brooke move the paper around three times. "Ok what's your favorite sexual position?" Blake heard Brooke whisper to Lucas which caused him raises eyebrow and Blake to snort. "I'll just use mine." Brooke whispered toward the boy as she spelt it out in her head while playing with the paper. "So you do like Blake?" Brooke asked teasingly the boy gave her a questionable look Which made Blake giggle but she quickly shut up when she saw the teacher walking by.


After school Blake picked up Lizzy from daycare, Blake met Brooke and Payton at a waxing place.

"so how was your get Blake and Lucas together quest going?" Peyton questioned Brooke, Blake couldn't help but blush at the mention of her and Lucas together.

"Fine- ow hand." Brooke answered as the lady ripped off the wax strip which made her yelp and grab onto Blakes hand.

"let me ask you something why are you being so persistent with this one normally you would've moved on by now and try to find someone else for Blake." Peyton stated which caused Blake to get annoyed because it was almost like Peyton liked Lucas.

"why, are you jealous?" Blake asked in a nervous yet bitchy tone which made Peyton reply with a simple no.

"do you like him?" Brooke questioned.

"No. See there's this guy, named Nathan who's also called my boyfriend." Payton replied teasingly which, Blake just rolled her eyes and play with her daughters hair.

"Yeah well I want to find Blake a boyfriend to, someone Who is reliable and will treat Lizzy right it seems like Lucas is the perfect guy for her." Brooke said squeezing Blakes hand softly. "Also someone who's steady for her and without all the drama and pettiness like you and Nathan have." Brooke smirked, Blake let out a snicker and Peyton ripped off the waxing strip the lady put on Brooke's leg which caused her to yelp and the girls to laugh.


As Blake and Lizzy were driving home to her aunts house she saw The Riverside Court trashed and Lucas standing on a ladder scrubbing one of the basketball hoops. Blake ended up pulling over and getting her and Lizzy out of the car and walking towards him.

"I heard about this but I was hoping it wasn't true." Blake said as she walked toward Lucas putting Lizzy down so she can stand next to her.

"What do you want Blake?" Lucas asked obviously annoyed with what they did to the court.

"um I was driving home but I saw you here so I was going to offer to help but I don't want to be a bother so I'll just go." Blake said as she was about to pick up Lizzy and walk back to her car only for Lucas to stopped her.

"wait Blake, look I'm sorry I'm just stressed with dealing with the team." Lucas sighed getting down from the ladder.

"look I get that, I do but me and lizzy just wanna help." the girl reassured him as she motion towards her and her daughter.

"help me clean up this mess?" Luke questioned.

"Yeah Lizzy can pick up the garbage and throw it in the trash bag and I could help you scrub the basketball hoops, right liz?" Blake asked looking at her daughter for her agreement.

"Right!" the three year old said giggling causing Blake and Lucas to look up at each other and smilie.


After helping Lucas clean the Riverside Court, Blake and Lizzy went home, as Blake was getting Lizzie ready for bed the three year old suddenly asked her mom a question which made her stop what she was doing.

"Mommy do you like lu?" lizzy asked referring to Lucas.

"of course I like him he's my friend." The girl answered her daughter.

"No I mean like do you like like him?" The three year old asked not satisfied with the first answer she got.

"Lizzy just go to sleep okay it's late." Blake told her daughter tucking her into bed and kissing her head completely dismissing the question.

Once Blake walked out of her daughters room all she could think about was what the three year old asked and the only answer she could think of for that question was yes, she liked Lucas Scott.

Author's note -
ok so please let me know how y'all liked this chapter, also Stan Brooke for being a Blake and Lucas shipper

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