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Eleanorcalder, lottietomlinson and 836

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Eleanorcalder, lottietomlinson and 836.694 other liked
Brianajungwirth: dinner with these two!

Lottietomlinson: was very fun!

Eleanorcalder: we should do it again soon!

Larryforever: ewww Briana and Eleanor hanging out with Lottie

Daisytommo: @larryforever nobody cares what your hating ass says

Louist91: next time I should come with you all!

Quick AN! I mostly just come up with random names in this fic to make it more entertaining! I don't really look up if the accounts exist so if you search them please don't sent them hate if they exist! I just need haters in the story so it doesn't get boring

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