I look at him and nod "Okay," I say, but it doesn't come out quite right, I think my jaw is dislocated.

"He punched you that's why you haven't said anything to me since I came in, that's why you flinched when I touched your jaw isn't it?" He says. I just nod, afraid to speak again.

I walk over to my wardrobe, and quickly grab a backpack, a t-shirts and some jeans. I turn to my shoes and pick up the first pair of canvas shoes I see. I turn back to Lucas, who is just sitting on my bed playing on his phone, I look inside my bag, see how much more space is in it. Still quite a lot, I go to my desk, grab my laptop, homework and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. That is the book I am currently reading and stuff it into my bag. I went back to my bed, lifted the pillow and grab my dad’s old shirt that I sleep in. I sit down and zip my bag up. I looked at Lucas, who hadn't noticed I sat down, and just smiled because he's so god damn adorable. It hurt so much so I stopped. I stood up and hit his chest to indicate 'I'm ready, come on'.

I was almost at my window when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I'm guessing Lucas heard as well, because he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my open window. He lifted me up and jumped out onto the tree that grew right beside my window, why didn't I think to tell him to come in that way? I'm such an  idiot. We make it to the middle of the tree and Lucas runs back to shut my window so Jamie doesn't see it's open. I hear footsteps coming back and start to freak out until I see it's only Lucas. He knows he scared me, so he says "Oh my god, An, I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry for scaring you!" He walks over to me pulls me up and hugs me. I break down and cry into his chest until he picks me up and is climbing down the rope ladder that is on the tree. We get to the bottom of the tree and he starts to run to the front of the house to meet his mum at her car. "Why is he still carrying me?" I wonder to myself.

We get to Lucas' Mum's car and we get into the back of the car. "Andi, are you okay?" His mum,Jen, asks me, she's driving so she won't be able to see me nod, so I just look at Lucas and he says "Mum, she has a dislocated jaw, she's in pain and can't talk. Well I hope it's dislocated."

"Right, well Andi when we get back to my house I'll get my first aid kit and help as much as I can." Jen said.

We arrive at their house in a couple of minutes and again Lucas lifts me up and carries me into his house. He takes me to the living room, and his mum rushes to get her first aid kit. Lucas sits next to me and takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers. I look at him like 'What the hell are you doing?'  He doesn't notice so I just let it drop, and wait for his mum to come in with the first aid kit. She comes running into the living room not long after we got in. "Lucas-" She begins but stops when she saw our fingers intertwined, "Never mind then, I can see you have already done it." She quickly set to work on my jaw, Jen starts mumbling stuff to herself as she checks my jaw for signs of fractures, but thankfully, there isn't any. My jaw is just dislocated. I scream as Jen tries to pop it back into place but she just says to me "Don't scream sweetheart, just squeeze Lucas's hand." I do as I'm told and in a few minutes my jaw is back in place and I can talk again. Jen gave me a cup of tea as we sat in the living room. "Andi, can you please tell us what happened before you called me." Lucas asked

"Well Jamie, my mum's boyfriend came home and my mum ran up the stairs to lock herself in her room which left me to wonder why? Then Jamie came up the stairs and started banging on the door, unaware that my door was open and I was watching him, he started yelling at my mum to open the door, I then scream and he come running towards my room before I get a chance to close the door. He storms in, grabs me by the collar of my shirt and starts to hit me repeatedly against the wall, when he had enough of that he punched me a few times in different places, but not that hard except for my jaw obviously. He then storms back out my room and down the stairs to watch TV or something, I then call Lucas asking for him to come and sneak in through my window. I didn't Think Jamie would hear me talking to Lucas, but he must have because he came back up took my phone out my hand and hurdled it against my wall where it smashed,” I took out my phone to show Jen “he hit me a few more times and then threw me onto the ground leaving my room. That is when Lucas came." I explain to them.

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