"She was a year older than me and was in university. She had to move away and she said that we would stay in contact. I had my doubts but she promised. I would drive over as much as I could and she would come home for the holidays. It worked for have a year but them she changed. She was avoiding me. I didn't assume anything because I loved her and I was an idiot. Then I went to visit her one day that we planned way back and I went up to her door and heard moans. I didn't go in. I couldn't make myself. I walked off and didn't talk to her."  He stared at my ice cream 

"Did she not try to talk to you?" I asked pushing over my dish so we could share the last of my ice cream.

"Funny enough no, she didn't. That's when I knew I was certain. But that's when it really hurt. When she didn't even try to say sorry." 

"I'm sorry" I said putting down my spoon

"Nah, it's okay" He smiled weakly at me but I knew that was just hiding the hurt.

"I don't know anymore. I'm so confused, I love him and I'm so certain that he's cheating on me but then it's not like Gerard" 

"I didn't think Sarah would have done it either. I think falling in love covers up a lot" Malcolm leaned back.

I looked down trying to go through everything that has happened in the last couple of months but I was tired of thinking. My brain was exhausted and just wanted to know that answer whether it was hurtful or not.

Malcolm and I stayed there and order 3 more orders of ice cream. We felt open to each other after that conversation. There was no lying or mocking because we were both in our sensitive state. 

"That sucks" Malcolm adjusted his hair 

"Yep, but I'm getting used to the idea of not going to university" I said leaning back

"I know, but if it was me I would be upset that I have a place in university and I worked for that place after all that I can't go" Malcolm explained


"Want to go? I need to walk off the 10 tonnes of ice cream that I just ate" He smirked

"Yeah, me too" I giggled struggling to stand up from the chair. "Uhh, Malcolm I need help. I can't get up" I moaned leaning my head on the table after a lazy attempt to get up.

"Ugh, come on. You don't think I feel like that too?" Malcolm grabbed my arm and pulled me up

We walked over to the waitress and paid her.

"Come again" The waitress smiled as we walked out the door.

We stopped and looked around, the sun was beginning to set and it felt like we were in the ice cream shop for years.

"Wanna go to the park?" Malcolm asked

"Sure, I haven' been on the swings in years" We started walking

"Same" Malcolm smiled at me

I looked at him and notice that the sky is getting dark but his eyes are still so light and noticeable. He had really good bone structure in his face.

"Can you stop staring at me, you freaking me out" Malcolm shoved me with his shoulder

"Hey! That was uncalled for" I smiled

I tried to do the same as he did but his reflexes were good or he knew it was coming. The end result was me falling on the ground when he pulled back.

"Fuck you" I said staring up at him while he laughed his ass off

"Sorry sorry, but that was pretty funny." He gave me a hand up

I wiped my hands and we continued walking

We went on the swings and just stared at the sky, the stars slowly appearing before the streets lights would turn on and hide them. I dared Malcolm to swing as high as he could and jump off. He jumped off at the wrong time making him land on his ass.

"Nice" I laughed slowing down the swing with my feet.

Malcolm rolled his eyes and got up walking away.

"Ay? Where you going?" I ran after him "You're not that sensitive, are you?"

"You hurt my feelings" Malcolm hid his face and pretended to cry.

"Awh, I'm sorry" I hugged his arm "wait, turn around, you got sand on your ass" I twirled him around and brushed the sand off his black skinny jeans.

"Why couldn't I have done it?" We continued walking "Is it because you secretly wanted to touch my ass?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow

"Of course, that was the plan all along. That's why I wanted to go on the swings and dared you to jump off, just to touch your ass" I said sarcastically.

"You never know" I rolled my eyes.

We walked until we reached my apartment

"Today was nice, it cheered me up" I smiled 

"Yeah, me too" We walked up the steps

"Well bye then" I waved awkwardly 

"Bye" Malcolm gave me a light hug that I was totally not expecting, resulting in me having my hands dangling have the time. 

I opened the door and walked in. I went to the living room to see mom asleep on the couch. The door buzzed and I ran to it afraid that it would wake her up. I assumed that it was Malcolm and opened the door 

"Malcolm, did you for-" I looked up to see someone I wasn't expecting back.

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