Chapter 2 : Skye's Team

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                              Bus team was having a lazy day. Skye was just released from her 'house arrest'. She sat on stairs by cargo bay watching her SO Grant Ward while working on her phone. Simmons had not cleared her for much physical exercise and Coulson and Ward were in full support to Simmons. Infact she wasn't allowed anything except running backend support during missions. So she would be with Science Twins in lab or Coulson in his office. Now she was watching Ward workout so she could ask (harass) him to teach her more. It had nothing to do with her tiny crush on the specialist. Nope. Not at all. Why would she. He was just tall, handsome man with a cute smile and eyes so deep... Ok stop Skye! He is your SO. Also she knew he was having sex with May. She didn't know if it was just sex or there was anything more to there relationship. But she wasn't one to pry and she respected them. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to watch him working out. She can appreciate the view.
Ward was punching the bag while trying to compartmentalize his feelings for his rookie. Yesterday after his talk with May, they ended whatever was between them. He thought he got close to her so she won't get suspicious. But deep down he knew it was also so he can stay away from a certain hacker. She was becoming a weakness and he cannot allow that. Garrett had drilled this lesson in him. But its becoming hard to ignore his feelings for his rookie. Seeing her in that cellar and later fighting for her life made him realise how much she meant to him. Yet he can't allow her to see the real him completely. She won't understand. And he can't afford failing his mission. He has to do it. He owed everything to Garrett. With each conflict he was hitting bag harder.
Coulson was trying to solve mystery of his recovery. He wanted to know everything that was done to him. Skye was also given same formula. He has to know everything about the medicine for her. She was like a daughter to him.
Melinda May was sitting in cockpit. Science twins were busy in lab. Talking science who no one but they can understand.
Suddenly there was some turbulence and then with a bright light they found themselves in a room with some other people.
Antonio Triplett was resting in safe house . With a bright light he found himself in a room full of people.
Mack was doing maintenance at Iliad when he was transported to some place.

At addition of new people in room everyone took defensive stance. But they were confused as there were at least 5 people who had clones/twins/lmds!

"Who the hell are you? "exclaimed Mack_2.
" I thought you destroyed AIDA and all her LMDs! "
"I did"

But everyone fell silent as screen once again lit up with a message displayed on it.
' These are not LMDs or clones. These people are your past/future. Some of you have been brought here so you could see future and change it. Some of you have already lived through it. You will be able to share your thoughts during these times. And maybe help your past selves. '
'Please everyone introduce yourself and the year you are from. '

(Team from past is going to be referred as Skye, Melinda, Phil(AC) , Jemma, Leo, Ward, Trip, Mack_2.
People from future is going to be referred as Daisy, May, Coulson (DC), Simmons, Fitz, Deke, Sousa, Kora, Bobbi, Hunter, Mack(Alfie by Daisy)(well I can't remember any other name for mack which is not too long. Help!), Elena, Piper, Flint)

"Wow! This is so cool! Hi, I am Skye", she exclaimed.
Team Skye just gave her a look, but were secretly pleased to see her usual self after everything she went through. Team Daisy had bittersweet smiles, seeing the girl in front of them and realizing how much she has suffered and changed over the years to become one of most strong  heroes but still had a beautiful heart.

"Agent Fitz, Agent Simmons" , Leo and Jemma piped pointing towards each other. Fitz Simmons just smiled at each other seeing how in sync they were even from there Academy days.
"But how are we all here. To all of us being here we must have traveled through time space. And to do that.""...... "... ".. " (Sorry I science is not something I will ever be able to understand. So please just imagine the science babble😅)
Everyone was looking at them with confusion except for there future selves and Future Coulson.
"Ahh, Sorry" said Fitz Simmons sheepishly.

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