Shalsha who has [schemer] just deflecting hinata attack like nothing while absorbing hinata attack forces and stored it in the center of her stomach, this technique is dangerous because if one don't know how much forces they can absorb, their stomach will explode

"It seems you forgetting something!" Falfa appear behind hinata, but hinata who has [mathematician] has already predicted this, and ready to stab falfa at point blank, hinata who has confirm that it is impossible to evade just smile, but something beyond common sense happen, not even hinata [mathematician could predict this, hinata rapier just passed through shalsha body like a ghost

"Surprise aren't we? [Meteor Jab 0.01 sec] " falfa then unleash a powerful and fast jab toward hinata hinata, hinata who has no time to react just receive the blow  and enduring the pain, after falfa punch begin to slower, hinata take this chance and kick falfa chin, but once again it passed through, "Damn it!" Hinata cursed

Falfa then backed down while smiling at her, "be careful behind you" while saying this falfa back further behind, "what?!" Hinata shout and turn to look at shalsha, falfa actually just buy time for shalsha to ready her blow, 'channelling all the forces  to my arms to launch a powerful impact' shalsha thought silently as she channelling the hinata attack forces back to her palm, "taste your medicine! [Full Counter] !" Falfa shout as she directing her palm to hinata guts and releasing the forces

"Guhkk!!!" Hinata who receive this does not blown away but spitting a mouthful blood, shalsha seeing immediately asked falfa to bind hinata, falfa then summon her gloves and used her thread to bind hinata immobile, shalsha just grin and ready to attack, "Gentle fist art: eight trigrams sixty-four palms" shalsha then release her palm attack to all hinata fatal points

"Gahk!!!" Hinata spitting another mouthful blood, but shalsha attack does not stop there "16 palms! 32 palms! 64 palms!!" Shalsha is indeed relentless, as the last attack send hinata flying, shalsha then rush towards hinata with intent to not let her rest, but hinata even if her body is in miserable states her spiritual body has not receive any damage, since she is spiritual lifeform as long as her spiritual body intact she still can fight

Falfa seeing hinata is ready to attack shalsha immediately use her strings to retracted shalsha back, "fuh..thank you falfa, i forgot that she is a saint" shalsha states, "now in come to this, it's my time to shine!" Falfa said as she saw hinata standing like nothing happened, "Eight inner gates: Eight gates of!!" Falfa shout as thick blue aura explode from her, "i see, the usual eight gates is red because of the user blood being heat up, but we spirits essentially has no blood, instead of red it become blue according to falfa essence" shalsha mutter slowly

Hinata who standing up, sense a terrible omen from falfa and immediately ready her melt slash, "if i get careless anymore...i will seriously die" hinata mutter, even though she is a saint her spiritual body still incomplete, without her material body she definitely die, "this form really eating my mana like crazy" falfa complained, she actually just want to try the eight inner gates and now is perfect time

"Shalsha.." falfa seemed want to say something, but shalsha understood it perfectly, "take your time" shalsha said that and charge toward hinata, hinata who is preparing [Melt Slash] got force to cancel it and deal with shalsha, "[Fire Emperor]" shalsha swiftly cast hee fire magic resembling a small sun and throw it toward hinata, hinata can't evade since shalsha has pressed all her fatal points earlier making her hard to even move, hinata decide to slash the fire ball and fortunately it worked

Shalsha appear in front of hinata and begin her close quarter combat, hinata who is locked with shalsha can't do anything falfa, 'to think i got to this state....just by one misstep' hinata thought, indeed hinata misstep is that she miscalculated falfa ability to pass through things, falfa on the other ready a stance, "charge!!" Shalsha shout as her explosive aura began to form a dragon

"Damn it!" Hinata curses since she can't do anything while being deadlock with shalsha, "flow!!" Falfa dragon shape aura began to get bigger, "at least, i will take you along with me!" Hinata shout as she began to grab shalsha hand and hug shalsha tightly not letting her escape, but falfa seemed no hesitation as she charge toward hinata with incredible speed

'is that girl crazy?! Does she want to kill her sister as well!' hinata thought as she saw a large blue dragon open the mouth as if it's trying to devour her, shalsha at this moment just smile she put her two finger up and dissapear from hinata in an instant, 'Teleport?!' hinata begin to panic, "this is called hiraishin no jutsu" shalsha behind her said slowly, shalsha infact while tattacking hinata has already put a seal on hinata back

"And this is called..." As shalsha said that, she put her palm in hinata back, "[Gravity Spirit Magic: All Mighty Push] !!" Hinata body then receive a immensely powerfull impact blowing her to falfa, "[Night Guy]!!!" Falfa shout as her kick collide with hinata body who is blown away with incredible speed, the collide making the ground shatter, leaving a massive crater

Hinata right now is immense pain, even though the attack does not attack spiritual body the pain her material body feel as if her sould being torn into thousand of pieces, all her front ribs has broken, the bone in her body shatter, hinata then lifelessly fall to the ground, "she not dead right?" Falfa asked shalsha worriedly, "idiot, i thought you were to use sekizo..but this" shalsha said helplessly, falfa then throw a full potion to body, making her body as good as new

After make sure her body, does not have any wounds, shalsha throw hinata body high in the sky, "[Gravity Spirit Magic: Chibaku Tensei]" shalsha casted a spelled that making hinata body as the center of gravity, all the rubbles then flew toward her body making a perfect sphere, "hey..what are you doing?" Falfa asked worriedly

"Sealing her..well, payback for what she has done to me in past, don't worry though, this spelled is almost impossible to be break from the inside, but it is super easy to break it from the outside" shalsha said so, falfa just nodded

And their both teleport back to tempest

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