Forever Ago

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I was leaving today.

 I had my bag packed, my coach ticket and passport ready. And I was so excited. I was filled with the kind of happiness that you get when you suddenly realise there's something good to look forward to after a terrible day, when it's Christmas Eve and only hours until you get to open your presents. I was leaving and I would never come back. Whatever I found in Italy would be my new life. I heaved my backpack onto my shoulders; it was weighed down with all of my favourite books. I had not even considered leaving them behind which left precious little room for clothes and shoes. But those are easily replaceable. My books were not.

I wasn't sad to leave this place. I had no friends that would miss me, no family. No happy memories.

My destination was Arezzo, Italy. And I would be there within a matter of hours.


It was sunny when I arrived. I paid the taxi driver the ridiculous amount of euro's he requested - I spoke only basic Italian so I wasn't in the position to argue with the price.

I took a deep breath and smiled, taking in the view. It was exactly as I had imagined it would be. A picturesque little village tucked into the Tuscan countryside. To me, this was heaven. The smell of coffee, fresh fruit and pastries made my mouth water.

During my observation of the town I noticed an elderly lady struggling to carry a large box across the road not far from where I was stood. Only a few people were around and it didn't look like they were in any hurry to help her so I hurried over.

"Excuse me, would you like me to help you with that?" I gestured to me then the box. Up close she was very small and slightly hunched over, at first I thought she didn't understand and just as I was about to try and show her what I was trying to say her face creased into a smile and she chuckled.

"Sorry dear, I'm a little hard for hearing. Yes please, that would be lovely." I must have looked as shocked to realise she was English as I felt because she laughed saying, "It's not often I find someone English around these parts either, dear. Now why haven't I seen you before?"

"I just arrived this afternoon."

"Ah that nice, I think you'll like it around here." She passed the box over to me saying, "Now don't go thinking I'm as fragile as I look, dear." She laughed softly and I joined her.

"Where are you going with this?" The box was much heavier than it looked.

"Just to my car, I think I parked it around here somewhere. I'm always forgetting. Ah, yes. Here it is." I couldn't help smiling at her she walked toward an old Volvo parked around the corner. After she opened the boot she turned to me and said, "Now, what's your name?"


"What a lovely name. And I'm Janet. So Callie, how can I repay your kindness?"

I was about to say there was no need for that when I realised that I did need some help finding a place to stay. "Actually, do you know a nice place I could stay around here? I'm travelling through and don't have much money so it can't be anywhere too expensive..."

 "Well, I have a place you can stay. Now dear, don't get your hopes up, it's only a tiny wooden cabin on my land. My husband and I used to stay out there, but since he passed away a few years ago, I have no use for it anymore. I can send my grandson down to help you clear it out if you're interested."

"Oh no, please don't think that I was asking for a place to stay."

"Sweetie, don't be silly. Come along now, we'll start heading up there. No time like the present, that what I say. And we can meet Claude on the way, otherwise he'll wonder where I've gotten to." She laughed and started walking towards the quaint little book shop on the corner of the street. I hesitated, not sure if I could trust her but I didn't really have much of a choice. This was my fresh start and if I wanted a place to stay then I had to take a chance.

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