•° Now it's quiet uptown..°•

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Ruv held you closer to him. You didn't say a word, but you heard what he had said. You were in a slight daze, hoping that it was real.. but at the same time hoping it was a dream, so that it may just be a blissful moment without any consequences later on.

You cuddled closer to him in return, syncing each rise and fall of your chest with his, syncing your each breath to him. You never really had any calm moments like these before, it was almost abnormal to you, but it made you feel something... it made you feel... whole.

Ruv put his face in your soft hair. Though you couldn't tell, he felt the same way about you too. Like with Sarvente, it was home.. but somehow closer. It's like something he didn't know he wanted in the first place.

He's still unaware of what he wants, but his subconscious isn't.

Deep down inside, he knows what it is, he's just choosing not to address it. He's said too much already.

This moment felt like it lasted forever, but in the best way possible. Warm, soft, and every problem seemed to melt away. This lasted awhile, until Ruv.. he suddenly panicked a little.

He gently put you down and quickly got up. Surprised, you tugged on his coat before he could leave.

"R-ruv? What's wrong?" You tiredly asked.

He didn't respond, but he turned to you.  The look on his face gave you your answer.

"I..I let my guard down for too long." He  barely spoke. He was noticeably taking shorter breaths than he had before.


You were noticeably disappointed, making him feel worse about what was happening, but he couldn't control it.. it was too strong, too much.. he wasn't used to these feelings.

To avoid possibly hurting you more, he just walked off without another word. You just sat there, stunned for a moment. You put your hands on your lap, and looked at them. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you couldn't exactly understand why. It was difficult to process.

It was a moment of peace that had abruptly ended without warning. "Have I gotten too comfortable?" You whispered to yourself, your voice shaking a little.

You felt... helpless.

You felt like you'd forgotten that this was temporary, and you chastised yourself for getting so attached to the people here.

The quiet atmosphere of the church made it feel even more isolated.. a feeling you were all too familiar with.

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