"Uh. I don't know."

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?" Kie was getting frustrated behind me.

"It's in my backpack. On the porch." He finally figures it out and goes for the door. He comes back running to shut the door behind him.

"It's too late. They're out there."  His hands run through his hair, he goes into panic mode.

"We gotta get out of here." Kie calls out.

"The window!" I try to pull it open but it was sealed.

Pope runs a screwdriver over the paint but it wasn't budging. The men were kicking the door open, the wood slowly breaking. I was trying my best to stay calm and then they get the window open. I climb out and land on the ground, running to the chicken coop. We all squeeze inside to hide, I could feel my breathing getting heavy. It was loud. The chickens kept making noise. Kie was starting to cry which was making me feel like crying. I just held my breath as JJ grabbed the chicken and snapped it's neck. Blood went over his hands, the body becoming limp. Kie let out a soft sob as I watched John B grab her hand. JJ looked over to me, dropping the chickens body.

I looked up to him as the man approached the coop slowly and steadily. I reached out for his hand but he shook his head, showing the blood running down his arms. I pulled myself into him, holding on to his hand. I felt the blood ooze down my arm as I did so. He looked up into my eyes, tears welling in them. I knew he didn't want to do it. I knew he loved that chicken but he did it to save us.

The man turned around and went to the car, but not empty handed. They had stacks and stacks of books, all from John B's dads office. They were all gone.


"You know how I'd handle it. The dankest of nugs and stickiest of ickes." JJ replied to the boys talking about the compass again.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I rolled my eyes, looking out the window.

"My dads trying to give me a message, guys. Believe me or don't. I know he's out there."

I loved John B's commitment to this but I just didn't want to see him get hurt because of it. There was a endless possibility of outcomes, some good some bad.

"He's missing. Only missing. You don't know what it's like to have someone close to you just vanish okay? I don't need a therapy session. I just need my friends support."

"I support you, John B. I'm here for you always." I lay my hand on his shoulder and he leans into me, showing that he heard me.

"He could've been kidnapped." JJ adds in the awkward silence.

We arrive at the lighthouse, the Redfield Lighthouse.

"You're staying down here with Rach." John B points to JJ.

"What? Why?" JJ tries his best to fight for himself.

"There are independent and dependent variables. You're an independent variable. Bad things happen when you're around."

"Shut up!" JJ screams.

"Alright, Pope. You stay too."

"Good, Imma work on my essay. Trying to stay out of trouble with the law."

"Dude, you really need to get laid." JJ scoffed, sitting down in the sand.

I sat on top of the Twinkie, letting my legs dangle off the side. I laid back, looking up at the sky. The lighthouse was beautiful. I just wish I would've went up.

I heard branches crunch below me and I look down to see a lonesome JJ staring up at me.

"Whatcha doing, J?"

"Just enjoying the view."

"Aw. Aren't you so kind?"

"No, just trying to get into your pants."

"Ouch, next time just stab me. It'll hurt less."

"I'm just joking. You're such a kook." He sighs, stepping up on to the top of the Twinkie with me.

He lays down next to me, letting his legs dangle but while laying across mine.

"Personal space much?"

"I don't know her." JJ holds up his juul to me.

"Don't mind if I do."

I take a long hit and pass it to him. He takes one and blows the smoke into my face.

"That's hot."

He just chuckles at me, turning to face me. We were looking at each other for what seemed like forever. I felt my face get hot, as I leaned in to him. We were rudely interrupted  by police sirens.

"Oh shit! We gotta go!" Pope calls out, hoping into the front seat.

I jump down into the sliding door, grabbing JJ's hands and pulling him in shutting the door quickly behind him.

"Are we gonna wait for them?"

"We can't. We gotta go." Pope drives off in a hurry as I watch John B and Kie run on to the beach.

I was so close. So close again to kissing JJ, I wasn't sure if I was reading the room wrong or not but I was  for sure going to kill John B for this.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now