Two Is Company

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"Rrr! Do you really think this was necessary...?" Springtrap grumbled as you rinsed his soapy fur off with the extendable shower head. You laughed and continued spraying off the grouchy animatronic. "Yes, it was- You were filthy." The rabbit groused at your humorous reply and then involuntarily allowed you to finish washing off all of the soapy, kiwi scented suds from his soaked suit. The guy didn't like baths obviously. You turned the water off and then stepped back to allow Springtrap to get out of the shower stall, but he had shook himself off- Which sent water flying everywhere. You shielded your face from the tiny droplets and then exclaimed. "AH, Springtrap! I have a towel right here!" The rabbit blankly stiffened and then gave a sheepish grin. "Oh... Sorry, dear... Well, at least you won't have as much to dry." The rabbit almost cooed the last part, which you just rolled your eyes at playfully. Springtrap stepped out from the shower stall and then ducked down to let you dry him off. You grabbed the towel and began ruffle drying his head and ears. At least he seemed to be enjoying that. "You don't like baths, but you like being dried off, huh?" You teased with a quirked lip and brow. Springtrap just closed his eyes and hummed thoughtfully at that while you scrubbed the towel under his chin. "Yes, actually... To be completely honest with you, Y/N, I love being given affection. Doubling both as a rabbit animatronic and a former children's entertainer, I suppose it's in my programming..." Springtrap gave a sigh. "And... I do thank you for bathing me... I can't express how clean I feel. I can't even remember when the last time my suit had been cleaned- And properly at that." You smiled at the rabbits compliment, which he kindly returned. "Well, always happy to help. At least now you can get on my furniture." You almost laughed as you had said that. Springtrap was cranky when you had to make him sleep by your bed on the floor. He had complied but murmered something about him not being a dog. You reminded him of how dirty he was, which gave him a clearer understanding of your point of view.

After you'd completed drying him off, you placed the damp towel in your laundry hamper and then the two of you headed back to your makeshift room. With the salvage bonus from a few weeks ago, you'd bought some furniture and necessities for your room; A bed, a comforter set and pillows, a nice little lamp, a desk, a comfy futon, a bean bag chair, and even a mini fridge and a TV. You'd also bought a bunch of stuff for your small pizzaria; Party decorations, an arcade game, a kids playset, and even an animatronic! She was a green and yellow frog named, well... Happy Frog. You'd gotten a stage/party light bundle deal with her, so you'd gotten a steal when you decided to make the purchase- And the kids loved her. And you were surprised to find that, just like Springtrap, the happy animatronic frog was more alive than what you'd thought. And she really loved playing on your Xbox after show hours. You'd opened the door to your room to find the frog sitting in your beanie chair, playing on your console. Her game of choice tonight? Minecraft. It looked like she was creating a farm... Or zoo? Upon hearing the door close, Happy Frog turned and was delighted to see you. She sat down the remote, stood from her seat, and then rushed over to give you a big hug, the frogs face showing a wide smile. "Oh, Y/N! It's great to see you!" She greeted, placing you back on the ground. She turned to see Springtrap and readied a hug for him, but the rabbit had cocked his head back and grumbled. "Please, no hugs, Happy Frog... You squeeze the gears out of me when you do..." Happy Frog only blinked and slowly lowered her hands, then turned her attention back to you. "Well, how did bathing Springtrap go? He looks fantastic!" The frog happily commented. Springtrap acknowledged the flattering remark with a raised brow. You stiffled a laugh. "I know. Doesn't he just look so handsome now?~" You giggled. Springtraps mouth fell full agape as he peered between the two of you. With nothing to say, the flustered rabbit had turned to walk over to the futon. The two of you laughed. "So, Happy Frog, how did your day go?" You asked. Happy Frog lit up with a bright smile. "Oh, it went perfect! The kids were loving my singing- And they were having so much fun playing the arcade game you'd bought! Oh, and don't even get me started on the play set! They love it!" She pipped. You gave a laugh at that. "Well, that's great- And I'm glad you enjoy performing for the croud. They really do enjoy you." You complemented. Happy Frog smiled. "Oh, yes! I was actually about to head back to my stage and power off for the night. It's pretty late, and I'll definitely need the energy for tomorrow!"

Happy Frog saved her game of Minecraft before giving you another hug goodnight, Springtrap denying his once again, and then she headed off to her stage. You had to admit, you were glad she was the animatronic you'd chose for your restaurant- She was the only female in the category you'd unlocked. You laughed at the name of the category; Mediocre Melodies. There were other animatronics, but none of them caught your eye quite like Happy Frog did. She was a trip, indeed.

Springtrap had taken to combing his ears with his fingers. Compared to what fur an animatronic would usually have, his tended to be a bit longer- And it was matted from the bath you'd given him. While the rabbit was... 'grooming himself', you opened your nightstand drawer and dug through it until you had found a soft bristled brush, one that you used to brush your hair with sometimes. You walked over to the futon where Springtrap was and then sat down beside him, making the rabbit pause his doings. He gazed down at the brush and then looked back up at you with a quirked brow. "...What's that for?" He almost mumbled the words, and he most likely did because he knew what you were about to say. "I'm gonna brush you. Those dull nails of yours doesn't look like they're getting the job done." You mused. Springtrap just gave a small 'Hmm' and lowered his head to allow you to start brushing him. Whether he wanted you to or not, the rabbit didn't give one complaint as the brush was gently stroked through his 'fur'. You smiled as he closed his eyes, seemingly enjoying the gentle attention. Then a small thought popped in your noggin, and it nearly made you laugh. "So... Why don't you like getting attention from Happy Frog? I know she thinks your adorable." You asked. Springtrap cocked his ears up at the random question. He opened his eyes and glanced at you. "Oh, believe me, Y/N- I'm very aware of how she sees me... And... I wouldn't mind her as much if she wouldn't squeeze me like a lemon when she gestures a hug. I'm surprised your rib cage is still intact." The rabbit had laughed at the last part, which you'd acknowledged with a playful scowl. He continued softly. "If you want my bare, honest opinion, I'd recommend maybe getting her a stage companion. Wouldn't be the worst idea to give her another who she can call... 'adorable'." You gave a thoughtful hum at the rabbits idea as you finished combing through his cheek fur. Happy Frog loved company, and you did make more money now that your pizzaria was actually up and running.

It really wasn't a bad idea to consider.

"Hmm... I just might do that... What kind of animatronic would you recommend? I don't think Happy Frog would mind whatever we chose." You asked. Springtrap thought for a moment and then smiled softly. "I sort of liked that pig animatronic that was advertised. If Happy Frog is a singer, then it'd be a grand idea to have an instrumentalists as well. I believe I can recall the pig having a banjo." He replied. You gave a thoughtful smile.

"Well, then the pig it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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