I slap the back of his neck and he sighed.

"No funny business."

"Okay." He held out his hand.

I reach out for it and he drags me on to the beach. I could feel the stares from the Kooks, especially from Sarah Cameron and her boyfriend Topper.

She was definitely drunk, clinging to a buoy while he was trying to get her down. Kie was practically death staring at her, they used to be good friends in school but now they hated each other's guts. I never found out why and I didn't bother asking.


JJ was already making a fool of himself, screaming and running around in between groups. He was handing John B another beer as Sarah and Topper walked by. I laid my arm across his shoulder for support as I stood in between the boys.

"Hey Sarah! Sarah, could I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ's words were slurred. I could tell he'd been drinking way too much. I forgot to keep track of him, but I was letting him have fun tonight. He didn't need me to babysit him.

"No, thanks." Sarah replied.

"What? Is it not fancy enough for you?" He stumbles a bit but I hold his arm to keep him balance.

"No, actually we were just leaving." She pulls hair out of her face.

"You know what? I'll take it." Topper goes to grab for the beer but JJ pulls back.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. Maybe if you said pretty please."

I was starting to get a bit nervous from him, it seemed like he was about to start a fight and over a kook princess.

"Sarah, I insist. You take it."

"She doesn't want it, man." Topper throws the drink back into JJ and it splashed all over me.

I get my hand off of his shoulder as he pushes Topper away from us.

"JJ! Hey! Stop it!" I try to grab him but I'm pushed back.

"JJ!" John B grabs him away from Topper and back over to me.

"You dirty pogues!" Topper calls back after we had calmed JJ down.

John B turns around and pushes him across the beach. Topper threw a punch, knocking him into the water.

"Babe! Babe!" Sarah kept calling as Topper kicked John B further into the water.

"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?"

"Topper! Lay off!" I go over to him, pushing him aside. I reach my hand out to grab John B's hand but Topper pushes me to the ground, making me land face first in the sand.

I was slightly tipsy but it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't protect myself.

"You fucking prick." I spit the blood that was coming from my once again busted up lip and throw my arms around Topper's neck to pull him away from John B.

"Get your hands off of me, you dirty pogue. Or should I say expired kook? What even are you?" He said through his gritted teeth as he ripped my arms from my body and pushed me back into the sand.

A wave of water comes over me, causing me to loose my breath for a moment. I was choking on the salt water as I watched Topper drowning John B. He was trying to get back to but he couldn't.

That was when I heard the sound of metal clinking. I knew exactly what that noise was. I look up to see JJ having a gun against the back of Topper's head.

"Yeah, you know what that is." He clicks the guns safety off. "Your move broski."

"Oh my god! JJ!" Kie calls.

"JJ, man!" Pope says with his hands on his head in fear.

"Put the gun down!" Sarah calls from behind him.

"Did you say something, princess?" JJ screams back at her.

"Hey, we're good. We're good. Alright. Come on." Topper slowly puts his hands up in the air, backing away from John B.

I rush over to him, still in shock. I didn't know what to say or what even to do.

"John B, are you okay?" I lift his head into my lap, as he was catching his breath.

"I'm fine. Please, handle him." He lifts his head up, trying to get his breathing back to normal.

"Can you check your psycho friend please?" Sarah calls to JJ, looking to me and back to Topper as they begin to walk away.

"Everyone listen up! Get the hell of our side of the island!" JJ walks away from the water with the gun in the air.

"J-" I called out before two gunshots rang out.

My ears began to ring after I stood up, practically sprinting over to him. I grab his arm and pull it down, the gun falling to the ground.

"Are you crazy? You idiot!" Kie calls out, grabbing the gun away from him. She turned the safety off as she looked over to me.

I was soaking wet with tears rolling down my face as John B got up behind me. He laid his arm on my shoulder for support.

"Stupid!" Pope yells behind him.

"I was saving his life! Okay?" He pushes into Pope as John B falls into the water behind me.

"Guys! Guys! Help me!" I drop to my knees, trying to help him up so he didn't drown. "Guys. John B!"

JJ turns around, he looked pissed and angry. As he walked towards me, I open my mouth to say something but then I realized it wasn't worth it right now. We had to help John B.

"Lift him up!" I scream trying to grab his arm but I was too weak.

"Guys? Guys." I felt lightheaded as JJ came to my side to help.

"Rach? Hey, Rach. Everything's okay. Hey! Rach? Rachel!" He called as I felt my body sink into the water, my face hitting the cold sand. My head was pounding as my eyes shut, the last thing I hear is JJ screaming my name over and over again.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora