𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 // 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚋𝚊

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——————————————————————————IT WAS REALLY LATE at night, y/n preferred to go grocery shopping at this time

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IT WAS REALLY LATE at night, y/n preferred to go grocery shopping at this time. There were less people which made her feel at ease, she doesn't like crowded places. It was also more calm, and peaceful.

She only had to get a few things, nothing too grand. She went over the list of things she needed.

eggs ✔️
green onions ✔️
strawberries ✔️
milk ✔️

As she was heading towards where the sushi would be, she passed by the isle with all the snacks. She had a quick peak and saw some (f/f) pocky.

She was staring at it, debating wether she should get some or not. "...wouldn't hurt if I treated myself" she grabs the small box and continues her way to the cold meals.

She payed no mind to it, but as she was grabbing her pocky, the door to the store had opened.

Y/n hadn't eaten supper yet. Since she knew she was going shopping she thought it would be easier to buy it.

She was browsing the cold meals the store had. There was sushi, which she was already thinking of getting; Or maybe a wrap. There was also some cold soba beside the sushi, however there was only one left. I guess it didn't really matter which one she picked because they were all around the s-

"excuse me...we're you going to take the cold soba?"

Y/n paused. She looked in the direction where the deep voice came from. She was met with heterochromia eyes, one grey, the other one a beautiful teal surrounded by a scar.

The boys hair split right in the middle with white on the left side and red on the right. She could say he was a rather handsome boy.

She stared in awe as she took in all his features, not realizing how weird she looked.

"Is...something wrong?" he spoke again. Y/N finally snapped out of her trance "Oh- sorry, what was your question?". The tall boy sighed and repeated "That cold soba, we're you going to take it?"

She looked back at the cold soba sitting on the shelf. Y/N turned to the gorgeous boy in front of her.

"Nope..it's all yours" she gave him a little smile. "Alright then." He said in a monotone voice. He took the cold soba and was gone in an instant.

Y/N stood in place as she watched the tall male walk away to the cash. She's still mesmerized remembering the boy she had just talked to.

What was the story behind his scar?

Did he live around here? This grocery store wasn't very popular.

Does he have a girlfriend?

Who is he?

So many questions ran through the girl's mind. Either way, it's not like she could've asked him, he was already gone.

He looked around my age. I wonder what school he goes to y/n thought.  She picked up her basket of groceries, along with the cold sushi, and made her way to the cash.

When she exited the store she looked around, maybe hoping to catch another glimpse of the two toned boy.

He was nowhere to be seen.

Y/N made her way back to her house. On the way, she stopped by a small park near her house to eat her sushi.

She sat on a small park bench, with her groceries beside her. Y/n wasn't really worried about being attacked at night, she could protect herself just fine.

Though she didn't have a quirk.

All she needed was self defence. And if anyone tried anything while she was eating...they wouldn't live to tell the tale.

As she was taking the first bite of her sushi, she heard footsteps coming towards her.

"Who's there." She snapped, getting ready to kick some ass if she needed to.

As he stepped into the light coming from the street lamp over the bench, her mouth dropped.

It was the boy she saw at the grocery store.


...aaaaaaand that's the first chapter :D idk if anyone is going to read this lol but if anyone is hello!! I hope u like the story so far and stick around<3

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