Chapter Two

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" Project Root?" Kumoko asked.

" They tried to use the cells from the First Hokage but ended up in failure because most of the test subjects died and they decided to use cells from the other ninjas, both alive and deceased." Naruto said.

" That did it work more successfully than the Hashirama's Cells." Kumoko said.

Meanwhile, Kakashi is busy reading Jiraiya's make-up tactics.

" Looks like I regretted my time after Naruto defected from Team Seven." Kakashi said.

Later, Sakura and Sasuke were showed up.

" Kakashi. What should we do now if that dobe doesn't come back to our team?" Sasuke asked.

" We'll just have to go through this without him." Kakashi said.

" I suspected that Naruto might have plan on his own." Sasuke said.

" That figures." Sakura said. " He looks more worse than Orochimaru."

Sasuke deadpanned.

" Naruto dobe is not as villainous as that wild ass snake sannin Orochimaru." Sasuke said.

Kakashi deadpanned.

" That doesn't mean he refused to rejoined Team Seven." Kakashi said. " Perhaps maybe he has something in his mind that he needs to focus right now."

" Oh." Sakura said. " That is temporary bad day for Team Seven."

" I don't know Sakura." Sasuke said. " I still not be able to beat Itachi, instead he totally beat me while he and his Akatsuki partner plotted to captured Naruto because they figured out that he had nine-tails within him."

" Luckily, Itachi and Kisame were failed." Kakashi said. " But I can give some extended training Sasuke."

Meanwhile, Naruto and Kumoko were checking another experimental test subject.

" I suspected this one is 16 year old teenaged girl." Kumoko said.

" How did you know?" Naruto asked.

" My mangekyou sharingan detected it." Kumoko said.

" Wow." Naruto said. " I just can't believe that you have a mangekyou sharingan."

" Quite a surprise." Kumoko said. " But we have to checked her first. We need to know about her physical identity and her DNA status."

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