Chapter 13: Lucked Out

Start from the beginning

Kanashi handed her a napkin, as she refused.
"Well, we don't blame you for leaving. We all fell apart after you left. Kokoru finally did what he learned his forms for, and Momoru had business with Kamaye. I was left, and all I ever did was what I was told. So I remembered what you told me, and everyday I waited at the airport for you to come back. I was 15 at the time, and now I'm 19. Eventually, I bought a house next to the airport and kept waiting. I still have it now!" Kanashi said, as Noa looked over at her.

"You waited 4 years.. for me?"
"It sounds weird when you word it like that, bu-"

Noa hugged Kanashi, as he pet her head. They stayed out there, as I looked over at them.

"You noticed it too?" Kokoru asked me, as I smirked.
"Yeah, teen love. It happens, you and I should know better than anyone here." I said to Kokoru, then Momoru walked into the room.

"How's he doing?" He said, dropping pain killers onto the table.
"I can walk." I said to him.

"Y'know, everyone thought of you as this mom to Shizuka. What happened to you? Why'd you decided to change?" I asked him.
"Well, just like Kokoru over here, I took a beating that I remembered, and it tends to change you." Momoru said to me, as Kokoru and Momoru left.

"Hey honey, you doing ok?"
"I'm fine, Akira. Thanks for being with me even halfway in the grave." I said.
"Hey, same with you! Without Kanashi, we wouldn't be here. Come to think of it.. why does he listen to everything everyone says?" Akira asked me, as I stood up.

"Just like everyone of us, it's the absence of parenthood. You'll come to understand in a bit." I said to her, as she stared in confusion.

"Hey, everyone! We're gonna celebrate Rhed's awakening by going down to the market!" Momoru shouted, as everyone cheered and ran downstairs to the car. We all got into the van and left, as the sun began to go down. 

We arrived at the market and it was incredibly crowded. We began walking around and eventually we found a noodle bar right next to a museum. We all sat down, as Noa and Kanashi began talking like old friends. Kokoru, me, and Akira all began to talk about the past, as Momoru stayed watch. 

"Welcome! Noodles are ¥500 per customer!" The bartender said, as I began to chuckle.

Suddenly, from above me, two birds dropped two wallets, filled with money.

"Heh, it's like you never left."

"So, Rhed! What happened while you were in the coma? What did it feel like?" Kokoru asked, as I chuckled.

"Uh.. It felt like a realistic dream. I couldn't explain it even if I tried. One thing's for sure, I never lost thought of her!" I said, hugging Akira.
"I missed you so much, Kira. Hey everyone, cheers! To the strongest woman I know, Akira Abiko!" I shouted, as everyone cheered and slurped up their noodles. 

Momoru crosses the street, as I followed after him. 

"What's up?"
"Do you hear that? Something's happening in here, and it doesn't sound normal." Momoru shouted, as he and I listened closer.

It was crashing, rumbling, and what sounded like silenced gunshots.

"Yeah, something's up. Call the others, and tell them to meet me on the roof." I said to Momoru, as he nodded and I ran around the side of the museum. 

I looked around, then checked the back. I saw a ladder, and I climbed up it. I grabbed onto the ledge and climbed up. I looked around the roof, before noticing a skylight. 

"Crap, all of them are nailed in." I said out loud, before noticing one of them.

One of the skylights was propped open with a full wallet, as I chuckled again.

"Ok, now you're starting to annoy me, lady luck!" I said, as I opened the skylight. 

"Let's test my luck on that guy." I said, as I threw the wallet at a bookcase behind a man with a gun.

The wallet knocked over the bookcase, as it dominos into each other and eventually lands on the man's hand. 


I fell out from the skylight and landed on the bookcase, as I turned my head to face the others downstairs.

It was Okawa, Kamaye, Fruity, Shizuka, and Yuki. Heh, I've missed you guys all so much.

"Heh, nice to see you guys again! Weird running into you guys here! Guess I just got lucky!"

I kicked the guy in the face, then turned to face the others.

Man, does it feel good. Feels good to be lucked out.

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