The Jaehyun who wanted to beat the shit out of Jungkook was now guilty of the way he acted. He stood up from his seat and to bow and apologize to Jungkook."Jungkook I'm so sorry--"

"No, there's no need to apologize to me," he said as he put a hand on Jaehyun's shoulder."The one you should apologize to is Chaeyoung."

Jungkook was right, and Jaehyun was all too aware of that. Jungkook patted Jaehyun on the back and waved goodbye saying,"Talk to her at school, and if you are scared, I will be right there for both of you."

Before Jaehyun could even realize it Jungkook had stolen his heart as well, bringing about a new friendship between the two.


As the two high school students left the café, two men, one really tall and the other pretty short, both with black hats and masks, entered. The taller of the two spoke,"Hey hyung, how have you been?"

Hoseok, who was at the time cleaning out a mug, was caught off guard and almost dropped the mug."Hyung, get out here now," he called to the back as he sat down the mug and towel, rushing to greet the two men who were now standing at the counter.

"Hoseok, what's--"

Jin cut himself off, doing the same thing the latter had just done.

"I can't believe you guys are here," exclaimed Hoseok as his already bright smile got even brighter."What brought you back home? Aren't you guys in the middle of promoting an idol?"

"Our old friend, Principle Choi, gave us a call," said the shorter one of the two men."He said that the talent show this year is going to have a kid who's an amazing singer and that we should come watch his performance."

"Oh, you must mean our part timer," said Jin as he thought about Jungkook who just left not long ago."When he came in a month ago, he was super timid yet blew the crowd away with his performance. Now, we have regulars who come to listen to him sing songs and even give him tips for the music."

"Well, it sounds like we have quite the heartbreaker on our hands," said the taller of the two as he giggled at the proposition.

"Well, we won't know for sure until we see him ourselves," said the shorter of the two men as he gave his partner a smug look.

The four men were laughing at their jokes when Lisa walked into the café."Hobi, I am here," she said as she stepped through the door way. When she saw two men standing in front of her boyfriend and his friend she was slightly confused. However upon inspecting their faces, she realized who they were instantly.

"*gasp*, you two are--"

"Shhh, quiet down," pleaded the taller of the two men."You can't let anyone know we are here."

"Oppa," began Lisa in shock,"You know them?!"

Hoseok nodded as he wrapped his arms around her and smiled brightly."And get this, they're here to see him."

Lisa's expressions changed at great speed as she tried to express how she felt about the situation at hand. Only when she finally calmed down did anything she was saying make sense.

"I can't believe this is happening, he's finally getting a second chance to prove himself," said Lisa as she sat down on the counter. The two men looked confused but decided to let it rest.

"Well, don't say anything to him," said Hoseok as he sat next to her,"we can't have him realize what's going on or it won't be a surprise."

The group laughed at Lisa who was pouting from the teasing and then continued to talk for a while.


Jaehyun was now stood outside Chaeyoung's house with Jungkook beside him, the fear of something going wrong plaguing his mind as he contemplated knocking on the door.

"Jaehyun, if you're too afraid to knock, I will do it for you," said Jungkook as his patience grew thin from the waiting. Jaehyun took the hint and knocked on the door, preparing himself for the worst.

A few seconds later the door opened and Jimin stood in the door way with a hesitant look in his face, the only reassurance being Jungkook standing next to him with a smile.

"Come in, she is in the living room," said Jimin as he stepped away from the entrance and gave them room to enter.

Upon reaching the living room, Jaehyun saw Chaeyoung peacefully reading a book. His anxiety started to kick in and he turned around ready to walk away. Jungkook stopped him in his tracks, nodding to him for reassurance.

"Hey, Chaeyoung," called Jaehyun as he looked to the side and scratched his head. He couldn't face her at all, his guilt piling up with each passing moment. He wasn't ready to confront her despite insisting doing it that day.

Jaehyun was so consumed by the guilt that he didn't even realize that Chaeyoung was now hugging him. Jaehyun was shocked and at a loss for What was now happening.

"I forgive you, Jaehyun," she said sweetly, taking his head and resting it on her shoulder. Those words alone Jaehyun to tears, his emotions pouring out with each sob.

"I...I am so sorry Ch-Chaeyoung *sniff*," he said as he cried profusely into her shoulder, his grip tightening the hold he had on her like a child to their mother. This in turn gave Chaeyoung a reason to start tearing up, causing the two of them to cry happily.

Before the two of them knew it, Jungkook had joined in."I am glad you two have made up," he said as he gave both of them a shoulder to cry on.

When everyone finally calmed down and the tears dried, the three high schoolers sat on the couch and talked about it all. They shared laughs while they talked about this whole situation. When they looked at the time they realized that Jaehyun had to go.

The couple bid farewell to someone whom they once thought of poorly as good friends do. Before they knew it, they were alone.

"Thank you for this Jungkook," said Chaeyoung as they made their way back to the couch."Now that that is settled, we can be happy."

"Chaeyoung, you don't need to thank me," said Jungkook as he put her head on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her."Helping you is something that I will always do. I love you Chaeyoung, and don't forget that."

The couple felt the warmth of each other and smiled as they sat there together. They sat quietly, letting the ambient sound of Jimin doing the dishes and the spring breeze blowing in through the window. They sat there happily, and soon they fell asleep.



Holy shit, am I late. I didn't think it would take me this long to put this chapter out despite having ample time to work on it, but after staring over 2 or 3 times, I finally finished it! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and keep a look out for the second to last chapter coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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