
26 1 0

hey i'm still alive yeah yeah

after the car drive with my dad i had to go to my grandma for some reason and i didn't had the laptop with me so i'm home rn and alone so , here i am.

and i got logged out of the account so i had to guess the password and shit lol.

and uh my cat is pregnant so that's something new. we didn't expect it at all.

oh and yeah i did a slenderman summoning and i forgot my flashlight in the bathroom after that so i couldn't get it lmao

nothing really new has been happening

did the tv just turned off and on?

uh interesting

well at 3am or smth like that i felt something keep touching my neck, waist and back.

it was kinda weird? idk

uh me and my parents maybe will go on sunday 22th to some hills i think.

we aren't sure since only one of our cars are working and it also has a little bit of problems and we want to be able to drive back down,yk? jasfdhusj

we have 2 work-cars and my mom broke one of it so

good job mom

and uh

some of my information stuff have been going missing. and my CLOTHES.

honestly sad bout that. it's always my fav ones

my fingerless-gloves has been missing since 1-2 months now and it's annoying.

it may storm soon since it's been said that tonight there's going to be a thunderstorm and it's almost 8pm rn

lmao how perfect i feel stalked rn

i'm not sure when i will post the next chapter since i am kinda busy. idk bout my sis

but hey atleast i'm sitting here feeling stalked and slowly dying, writing this for yall.

this stupid keyboard is so hard to type in it.

oh yeah my phone has been glitching today a lot for some reason.

and 3 girls want to kill me now. how great

i'm not really supposed to be on here on the laptop rn. it's not really mine. it belong's to my dad

my dad is at work rn and my mom is out to a place. i forgot how it's called.

the covid-cases has been going up so there's maybea chance we will go back to online school. i hope so, cause i will be able to update even more.

yeah the wind is starting to get loud outside. imagine it's gonna be a tornado. if so i'm fucked

since i never have been in a tornado and i'm all alone rn. and the pets


and uh yeah, i think that's everything.

so.. goodbye. see you guys next timw

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