Part 1

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"WHAT DID YOU DO" Jack yells at the tall grey almost black man he searched around the place he was in. A dark cave like place, he knew he shouldn't have gone he had one job. 'Jack take Sophie home and come strait back' bunny's voice ran through his head.

"Oh no jack it's what did you do" pitch black reappears behind jack and wispers in his ear drawing him back to reality. He turned around so fast he nearly gets whiplash. Pitch chuckles as the realisation of what has happend dawns on the smaller boy.

"Oh no, Easter.." His voice is barely a wisper but pitch hears it marking him laugh more but that sound echos away as he is teleported to the Easter hunt where he was supposed to be. What he saw felt like a knife to the heart. Instead of kids running around with thier baskets full of eggs, laughing and having fun. He saw the guardians all sitting in a circle with a grim look on their face. North was the first to notice him.

"Jack, where were you! The nightmares attacked the tunnels, they smashed every egg crushed every basket. Nothing made it to the surface!" He was angry. His normally huge eyes filled with wonder were dull and sad.

"Jack!" Tooth yelled flying over to him making sure he was safe, she was about to give him a hug but when she saw what he was holding she gasped and yelled "where did you get that!"

"I - I was - it's"

"Where's baby tooth!" She paused to look at him, he felt so stupid he left the guardians when they needed his help and he left baby tooth his new friend, all for some stupid memories "oh jack what have you done" the disappointment in her voice was so strong it physically hurt him and he had to blink hard to see clearly

"That is why you weren't here, you were with pitch!" North yelled at him angrier than he has even seen before a sharp pain stung in his chest making him clutch his stick to keep upright

" no listen listen I - I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen" He pleaded

"He has to go" this time bunny was talking


"WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE TRUSTED YOU" he yelled so loud jack stumbled back clutching his stomach from the pain he now felt. "Easter is about new beginnings, new life, Easter is about hope and now it's gone." Bunny's words became foggy, they were quite literally going through one ear and out the other. Jacks breaths were comming out short and sharp.

An earie laugh came out of the silence making everyone jump.

"Pitch!" North yelled pulling out his swords and getting into a fighting stance the others quickly following except jack who was to weak to move the guardians oblivious.

"Relaxe you old fart I'm not here for you, I am just watching the show then I will be on my way"

"What show?"

"Why the defeat of the great Jack Frost of course" he disappeared into the shadows and reappears next to Jack. "My my this was to easy, all you have to do to defeat the mighty is simply"- he forms a small black stick out of nightmare sand and gently taps Jacks shoulder. Jack gasps in pain and leans entirely on his stick as his vision begins to cloud - "and the hero falls." Pitch kicks Jacks staff out from under Him and laughs as he falls with a loud and a grunt full of pain.

Tooth runs to his side and yells at pitch "Stop! What are you doing to him!"

"I haven't done anything except start the process, you see I lued him to me and gave him a little of my new recipe," pitch's eyes glow dangerously yellow and his smirk is pure evil.
"You may not know this gaurdians but I can sense fear" he knealt down to the winter spirit who is on his knees and lifted jacks chin so his face was only inches away "your afraid Jack"

"I'm am not afraid of you"

"Mabey not but your afraid of something"

"Oh yeah you think so"

"I know so, I always know peoples greatest fears, yours is that no one will ever belive in you" he chuckles as jacks eyes widen "or Even more that you will never know why, why you, why were you chosen to be like this. Fear not because the answere to that you already have" Jack looks down at his hand which still holds his memories but he can't open them and he doesn't know why "you want them, want to know why your unable to reach out to anyone you want to grab them and just know but your afraid of what them guardians will think, well let me ease your mind about one thing Jack they will never accept you not really" he reaches down and cups Jack cheek sending terror through his veins.

"Ahh stop it! STOP IT" pitches words ran through jacks mind causing so much pain He places both of his hands on his head and curls up into a ball in a desperate attempt to get it out. It doesn't help and slowly the world around him goes dark

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM" bunny yells out filing with rage not being able to tear his eyes away from the limp boy barely breathing.

"Me? Oh nothing it's you who have done the damage, you left him alone for 300 years and now he finally got a sense of belonging but you push him away."

"What-what do you mean"

"This was just to easy! Jack was your only chance at beating me, you see as long as he lives you can't die he's just a child, he's a beliver and he believes in you. I can't kill him and I hate to admit it but I was scared when I first saw him at tooth's palace, I thought I was doomed but you killed him for me"

"No, no your lying! He can't be dead!" North's plea was so broken and desperate that it hurt the other guardians to watch.

"Well that's up to him now isn't it" before the Guadianans could react pitch and Jack disappeared in a cloud of black sand

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