"A door?" Suddenly a secret door slowly opened to the presence of the butterfly. "You know why I'm here, right?" Emiko said as her eyes watched behind her, seeing as Kou was frustrated with not knowing. 

"No, I've been asking that this whole time." Emiko chuckled at his words. 

"I want to know more about Hanako. Something about him just makes me curious," she responded, seeing the presence of the blue butterfly once more. As last time, she trailed behind it, realizing it led to a stack of white books. Her eyes searched the area to then find a book that read "Emiko Sushina".

"Is that yours?" Kou asked, standing beside her with his staff in hand. She nodded gripping the book to pull it out of its place. A grin came across her face as she was ready to open it. 

"So, pasts and futures." Once Emiko said those words, Kou's facial expression changed as if he finally had a realization. 

"Oh! This is a boundary," he added, Emiko nodding in agreeance. 

Her hands traced her name, then opened the thick book to the first page. A scent of a newly printed page hit her nose as she began to read, Kou scouting around for any danger. 

Being born, Emiko Sushina smiled as her mother held her in her arms. Her father was so excited, he hugged both girls. 

"Not this," Emiko whispered, frowning as she quickly flipped through a few year's worths of pages. 

Emiko was going to ask her mother if she could take her to the park, so she left her room and entered the living room. Her father was at work, leaving just her mother, brother, and herself.

"Mommy, can you take me to the park?" A small grin appeared on Emiko's face when suddenly, her mother stood up and strikes her across her face. "Mommy?" She noticed her mother crying as her cheek stung.

"No," Emiko whispered once more, skipping through more chapters.

"I love you, sis." her brother spoke, his arms wrapped around her dearly. Emiko smiled at her brother's grip, both f them sitting in the corner of her room. 

"I love you, too, Yano."

Her eyes began to water as a small grin was plastered on her face. Emiko flipped through more pages, stopping at a red page that was left blank. 

"There's a red page," she whispered, hearing Kou take a few steps towards her. She flipped past the page and read the words. 

On this day, she'll learn Hanako's real name.

Suddenly, the book began to drench itself in red liquid, dripping all over the floor. She widened her eyes as Koud rushed over to her position. 

"What's happening?" he asked, preparing his staff for battle.

A sudden shake caused them to crouch down slightly, Emiko gripping onto the book tightly. She noticed the white wisp that would follow her often float beside her shoulder as both Kou and her watched rocks tumble from the ceiling. 

"Kou? Do you know-" Emiko was interrupted by someone's monotone laughter. She realized that when they both stood, the grip of the book was gone. A silhouette slowly peered through the shadows in front of the two. As Emiko attempted to take a step forward, Kou gripped her wrist pulling her back towards him. 

"Just wait." She nodded in response, seeing the creature finally show itself in the light. Once she saw the creature, one of its arms leaped forward, making her eyes shut in fear. 


Emiko opened her eyes to notice the black school uniform and the same old hat he would wear all the time. 

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