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Brushing the mop across the tile was fairly easy for Emiko since she has recent experience. All she could think about was her regret for telling her friends that she had a brother. Her movements lead to the mop being placed in the bucket full of liquid and shoving the stick towards the corner of the bathroom. The bright and somewhat seductive emerald eyes were no longer on her face but were replaced with depressed and dark ones. 

'I shouldn't have told them. Now they will think I'm hiding more and will keep asking and asking and asking and-'

"Hey." Hanako's hand brushed Emiko's shoulder, creating a circular motion as he moved his body in front of her vision. Her head continued to dangle towards the floor. "Emiko?" Her eyes darted up, realizing he was speaking to her. 

"Yea?" she asked as if she was completely normal. 

"Are you alright? Nene and I have been worried for the past few days." Hanako lifted his other hand, placing it on the other shoulder. Emiko nodded, but her eyes proved her wrong. "You're not alright. I can see it." 

"I'm fine." She gained back all of her senses and lightly shoved Hanako away. "Everything is perfect, I couldn't have a better life." Her lips lifted into a forced smile, her hoping he could see through this facade. 

Hanako sighed, stepping forward. Their bodies slowly inched together, Emiko growing slightly uncomfortable so she would take steps back. 

"What are you doing?" Her head cocked to the side in confusion, her finally hitting the wall with the window. She didn't receive an answer, making her worry. He grew closer, finally standing an inch apart. His head dipped down, a shadow casting over his face. 

"You're not ok." His arms stretched forward, slithering around her waist. She couldn't pull away, or maybe, she didn't want to. Her heart began to thump loudly as he embraced her, pulling her small figure towards him. Emiko's head stuffed itself into the crook of his neck, her arms finding their way around his shoulders.

"I'm ok." She almost felt the need to cry when old memories began to flood back.

'No, not now. They can't know. They can't know about me and my past. If they do, I will have to run and they will forever haunt me.'

"You can talk to me." Hanako breathed into her shoulder, her nodding into his neck. Her need for a hug was intense. She loved this feeling, being in someone's arms just to comfort her. She's always wanted this, but it was a rare occasion.

'I've never had a hug this long. It feels nice. If only my dad could hug me again.' 

After thinking of her father, she wanted to crack and break down. 

'I can't, not in front of him.'

"If you need to cry, you can." Hanako softly implied, but Emiko shook her head, trying to refuse the action. 

"I just-" She and Hanako dropped to their knees with Hanako still hanging on. "Need this." 

"Emiko!" A loud shout echoed behind the bathroom door, tearing the two apart. Both sat on the floor, waiting for the person to enter. "Are you ok?" Nene asked, noticing both of her friends sitting on the tiles. 

"I am, yea." Emiko's soft beam made Nene rush to her side. "Oh, thank god! I was worried!" Nene dropped to her knees in front of Emiko, watching her beautiful emerald eyes gaze into the pink ones.

"Don't worry about me." Emiko chuckled, scratching the back of her neck. "Everything's fine." Nene sighed in relief, standing along with the others. 

"Well, I heard another rumor today." Hanako and Emiko leaned forward to listen in to the rumor. "It's about the Misaki stairs." Hanako grinned, tipping his hat. 

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