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"What's going on?" Ward called out to the pair of road men

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"What's going on?" Ward called out to the pair of road men.

"Roads closed. Nobody coming through." the girl said as she stood in the neon green, a large stop sign in her hand.

"Well, can you let just one truck through?" Ward tried to reason with a charming smile, "We just.. we kinda gotta get through today. We got a delivery that-"

"I don't think so. Sinkhole. Massive." she shook her head, standing on Rafes side and looking into the truck.

"I'm really begging you guys. If there's-" Ward began before the man shoved a gun in his face.

"Jesus christ." Aria spoke as she stared.

"Don't do anything stupid." the girl held a knife to Rafes neck before she nodded toward at Aria, "You neither, pretty girl."

"Get out. Easy." Ward encouraged. The man kept the gun on Ward while he pulled Arias door open, making sure she walked before him so his gun was pointing at the pair.

"This is what we're gonna do. You're gonna walk to the sign. You'll put those signs on the side for me. You go to that sign. You got to that sign." the older man spoke as he nodded toward Rafe and Ward. The girl shoved Rafe harshly, grabbing Aria suddenly and holding the knife to her neck.

"Get off of me." Aria tried to get out of her hold, feeling the knife press into her neck.

"Nu uh, pretty girl. I'll cut you." she threatened in her ear while Rafe and Ward moved the two signs on the side of the road.

"Barrel to the side of the road." the man encouraged now as Rafe threw one of the barrels, "Throw another barrel, and i'll blow your damn head off."

Aria struggling in the girls grip again, huffing when the blade pricked the skin of her neck, "Squirmy one, aren't you?"

"Take two steps back. Easy! Get on your knees." the mans husky voice ordered as Rafe and Ward did as told. The girl shoved Aria down onto her knees next to Rafe, keeping her blade near the both of them.

"Who are you?" Ward demanded to know.

"Hand up. Kiss the ground." he demanded the man.

Aria felt the blade nudge her back, a form of anger building up in her stomach as she turned around and grabbed the girls wrist tightly, "You touch me again and I-"

She was cut off by the blade only centimeters from her eye, shutting her mouth as she stayed completely still. Aria swallowed hard.

"I'm the Royal Commission for the redistribution of wealth." the man answered Wards previous question.

"You guys are idiots. Our escorts are right behind us."

"A wise guy, huh?" the girl mocked Rafe.

"My dad covers murders for a living, no one will even know you guys existed if he finds out what you're doing." Aria threatened with her face pressed into the ground. Though she doubted Gage would care on her part, maybe for Ward though.

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