As we were making our way out we saw Lisa.

"Chris is that your Mum, shes gorgeous!"

"It most certainly is my Ma"

We walked up to her and she gave Chris a hug and then looked at me.

"And you must be the famous Ashlynn, come here"

She said as she pulled me into a hug.

"I see where Chris gets his hugging from" we all chuckled.

"It's lovely to meet you Lisa"

"It's great to meet you too Ashlynn. I'll drive you two to Chris's house as you've been travelling for hours so guessed that, that is what you would want to do."

"That's perfect thank you Ma!"

"Thank you Lisa."

"It's no problem at all" Lisa added.

The airport was about a 30minute drive from Chris's house and I could feel myself nearly falling asleep. We finally got there and we got our suitcases out of the car.

"Right I'll leave you two kids to it then"

"Thank you Lisa"

"Ye thank you Ma, we will come and see you tomorrow."

"Okay great, bye"

"Byeee" we said together.

"So, this is your house, it's beautiful" I admitted.

"Thank you, it's definitely my escape from the outside world, come on, let's go inside"

We walked inside and oh wow did Chris have a beautiful home.

"I'll show you to the spare room so you can put your suitcases in there but you'll be staying in my room" Chris winked.

"So you're not fed up of sharing a bed with me yet then?"

"How could I ever be, I love sleeping next to you"

"I love sleeping next to you too!"

Chris showed me to the spare room and his room is next door.

"Chris your home is incredible, I love how you've decorated it" I admitted.

"I would love to say I decorated it by myself but I did get help from my siblings and my Mother."

"Well they did a very good job" we chuckled.

"I know it's only 10pm but I'm so tired, do you just want to go to sleep?" Chris pondered.

"You know what, I was just about to say the same, I feel dead"

"Come on then"

Chris grabbed my hand and led me too his room.

"Do you mind if I borrow one of your t-shirts please"

"Here you go" Chris handed me a shirt. "But I do prefer you without"

"Hey! Cheeky!" We laughed.

We got into bed and Chris put his arms around me.

"Is it weird that I already feel so comfortable here" I admitted.

"That's how I felt at yours, I didn't want to say anything to scare you but I feel so comfortable whenever I'm with you, and I love your home!"

"I feel the same, our homes are completely different but I feel safe in both."

"Me too!"

"Goodnight Chris"

"Goodnight Ashlynn."

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