C h a p t e r 1 1

Start from the beginning



I slowly open my eyes and see my phone ringing next to my ear.

I pick my phone up and look at the caller ID.


I click answer and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Maggie, what's up?"

"NOW YOU WANT TO ANSWER YOUR FLIPPING PHONE!" She screams through the phone.

I look it away from my ear for a second.

"I just saw you like an hour ago, what are you talking about-"

She cuts me off, "Camilla, do you know what day it is?"

I look around and still see darkness outside as I am still laying on my porch.

"Monday night." I state the obvious.

Maggie makes a noise as they would on a game show when someone got something wrong. "Incorrect."

I scratch my head out of confusion. "Then what day is it?"

"It's Tuesday. It's 6, so would you like to come help finish your shift?"

"Yeah, yeah. I will be right there."

"Okay. I sent Keaton and Adrian to go find you so let me call them and say-never mind, we can talk about that when you get here."

Call ended.

I sit up and look at the door.

My keys are still in the key hole.

I quickly grab my keys and backpack and head towards the boxing arena.

Clearly Devin and my dad are planning something.

I mean Devin drugged me! He knew I would be out for an entire 24 hours!

I roll my eyes as frustration seeps into my veins. As if frustration is my blood source.

The front entrance to the boxing arena is in my vision view. I walk up and open the door.

I see Devin near the middle of the arena.

I walk towards him without thinking, clenching my fists together.

He is looking the other way so I punch him right in the jaw. "Asshole!" I yell, turning the opposite direction.

"Cami, why did you do that?" He questions, innocently.

I turn back to face him with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe if you didn't drug me I wouldn't have done that!"

"You're only making the plan easier."

I slap him across the cheek. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He rubs the place I slapped him. "Nothing."

I feel someone grab my wrist so I look at the person.


"Let's just go." Keaton says pulling me away.

I follow behind him as he takes us to the infirmary.

"Those were some nice punches you were giving him." Keaton adds as we walk into the infirmary.

I laugh while shaking my head.

Once I look up I see Adrian and Maggie leaning against the cabinets.

"Where were you today?" Maggie asks, almost immediately.

I fold my lips in. "Honestly this is going to sound weird but I was on my porch."

Maggie raises an eyebrow. "And you didn't know what day it was?" She questions.

Well, I wasn't exactly conscious.

"We were looking for you," Adrian adds on, "but it's hard to look for someone when you don't know where they live."

Keaton releases my wrist as I take a step forward.

"I think I know what happened." Keaton mutters

I turned towards him, "how?"

"Devin drugged you."

I close my eyes and look down.

"Anyone who was by the ring would have heard you yell that." Keaton finishes.

"What time is it?" I ask.

Adrian looks down at his phone. "6:30, why?"

"I need to go check Anna's office."

I walk over to it and open the door. The files are spread out all over the floor.

I bend down and start to put everyone's papers in the right file.

"What are you doing?" Maggie asks.

"Cleaning up Devins mess." I state.

"Why?" Adrian asks.

I don't respond and continue to put the files back in the filing cabinet.

I lock the cabinet and place the key in her desk.

I walked past Adrian and Maggie.

"Camilla, why did you do that?" Keaton asks, blocking my path.

I shrug my shoulders trying to get past him but he still blocks my path.

"Keaton, seriously, I need to go."

"Go where?"

"Doesn't matter." I shrug.

I pushed past him and walked out of the arena.

Before I walk out I yell, "Maggie I will tell Anna I didn't work tonight!"

I just need to be alone with my thoughts. I shouldn't have shown up to the arena tonight... that was a mistake.

Whatever Devin and my dad are doing is dangerous. And me punching him isn't exactly going to make things easier.

As I walk onto my porch, I see my dad's car parked.

I unlock the door and walk inside.

I freeze once I see my dad holding a bat while leaning against the wall.

"Hide and seek." He laughs.

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