The Whole Color Situation

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I really didn't think I'd need to make a whole page on this but I feel like a few comments weren't gonna cut it lol 

If you don't really know what I'm talking about, feel free to skip!

Also I haven't updated this book in awhile lol 


In Pretty Cure, the colors the cures are grouped by in no particular order: Pink, yellow, blue, green, red, white, and purple.

I feel like people don't know there's a reason why the popular acronym for the colors of the rainbow is "ROYGBIV" ends with a "V" and not a "P". 

Because purple isn't *actually* in the rainbow. Violet is. 

And I know what your thinking- 

"But they're the same!" 

Well yes but actually no. 

Violet is a color that's on the visible light spectrum. Wikipedia states that "Violet is the color of light at the short wavelength end of the visible spectrum, between blue and invisible ultraviolet." 

When it comes to Purple, Wikipedia states "Purple is, generally, any color with hue between red and blue." 

If you still ain't convinced- 

If you still ain't convinced- 

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Is the difference subtle? Yes. But are Violet and Purple different colors? Yes. 

They may be in the same color family, but there is absolutely no problem with specifying that a PreCure is violet instead of purple, lilac, or even lavender. They're similar, but if they were THAT similar they wouldn't have their own names. 

Speaking of lilac and lavender. Are they in the same color family as purple and violet? Yes. But by that logic it's wrong to refer to Cure Amour as lilac or lavender. Like look at her. She has lavender/lilac hair, her dress is a pastel purple, etc. Calling her purple isn't wrong either but it's being more broad, while calling her lilac or lavender just gives a better visual and is more specific. She's just grouped purple.

And Cure Milky. Again by that logic it's incorrect to refer to her as 'teal' or 'turquoise' when you could say it's her de facto theme color, green is just where she's grouped. Toei is kinda prone to be inconsistent with her coloring, sometimes she looks Cure Mint-green and sometimes Cure Marine-blue, but generally when it isn't messed up, she's either a teal or a turquoise. Not quite green but not quite blue either. And yes teal and turquoise are part of the green/blue color family, but I doubt most people don't think of stuff like grass, tree leaves, cabbages etc. for green and water, blueberries, your usual sapphires, the sky during the day etc. It gives people a better visual than just "green cure". 

And yes I'm aware that Cure Sunny's actual color is orange. Toei however groups her as red, and I throw her in with the reds because otherwise she'd be lonely lol.  

And yes I'm aware of the existence of Cure Moonlight, and that she's grouped purple. However, I doubt I'm the only one that's tempted to refer to her as sliver? Her dress seems pretty sliver to me but purple it is lol. Also her hair is pretty lilac/lavender to me, and because of that I think it's more accurate to call her sliver with lilac or lavender as a sub color or vice versa. In some photos her hair even looks mauve to me lol. 

TL:DR colors may be similar but they have different names for a reason and I don't see the issue with saying a cure is 'lilac' or 'lavender' instead of 'purple'. 

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